Chapter Eleven🕷The Brides

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Humming in contemplation, Shawn tapped his pencil against his pad of paper. Before he could give an answer, the doorbell rang. And he seemed a bit relieved about it.

"Looks like our time is up for today. I'll see you in two weeks from now?"

"Yeah. And then I have that school trip so I won't have any for a bit," I confirmed, pulling on my shoes and opening the door to greet my parents.

"Ready to go? If traffic is good we won't be late," my mom checked her watch for the time.

"Yeah, I'm good." Saying goodbye to Shawn, I hurried out to the car and buckled my seatbelt as we were pulling out of the home.

The trip from Queens to our destination in Jersey was around two hours, which was why I had insisted on making an appointment so early in the morning - 9 AM - so I wouldn't break my streak, but so we'd still make it on time.

"Eight hours and Jess will be a married woman!" My dad cheered. He loved weddings, "We'll need to pay attention to the venue to see if it would work for you and Peter-"

"Dad," I warned.



Two hours later we arrived at the Legacy Castle. It was gigantic and glorious. It was a castle in every sense of the word. I marveled at the grand decorations. Chandeliers, gold detailing, ornate railings on the central stairway. It was straight out of a fairytale.

"(Y/n)!" Jess barrel rushed me in a hug, knocking the breath out of my lungs, "You're here, good! I'll bring you to the room, then I have a hair stylist and a makeup artist coming in, and your dress is already upstairs since we picked it up from the tailor last week. Clara, Lucas, there's a free bar down that hallway, and a sitting room across from that with food. Feel free to relax and rent a movie."

My parents nodded, wished us luck, and left. Jess grabbed my hand and dragged me up the staircase, taking a right when it branched off. I assumed Via was to the left with her group.

I met Via for the first time nearly six months before the wedding. It was strange, meeting her so late in the game, but according to Jess she worked with charities overseas and had to travel to meet with a few of them during the planning process. I couldn't get upset about that.

Via was beautiful, down to Earth, and one of the nicest people I'd ever met. She gave off an aura that automatically drew people to her. It was a mix of regalness and natural charisma that was intoxicating in a sense. Through our dinner together, I learned she was born and raised in Singapore and went to a British school until college when she decided to go to New York.

Needless to say, I gave my stamp of approval as soon as Jess and I went back to the apartment building.

"Jess, don't take this the wrong way, but how are you affording all this?" I asked as we passed different pieces of art that all seemed more expensive than my apartment and everything inside combined.

"That's the thing," Jess turned to me after stopping in front of a door, "Via's family is loaded. She owns the charities she works for, and the British schools she went to were posh private ones. It's not why I'm marrying her, obviously, but everyone in her family wanted to help out and got us this venue. They're like the royals of Asia."

"You're marrying a princess?"

"No, but yes. God I love her," with that, Jess pushed open the door.

There were two guys and two girls inside. The guys were Connor and Mark, one she'd known since she was a kid and the other her cousin she considered a brother. The girls were Shelby and Eliza, a classmate and a co-worker at our apartment building. Varying from 20 to 28, all of them were amazing and welcoming as we got ready. Jess kept good company.

Mutant's Endgame (Peter Parker x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang