Chapter 1

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(F/n)- Father'a name
-Your POV- (10 year old you)

"Hey, monkey! We're here!" Dad said waking me up.

     I opened my eyes to see that we are finally at our new house. Dad turned off the car as I bolted out of my seat and stand on the front porch of our new two story house. My dad unlocked the door and told me to pick a room. I rushed upstairs and went through every room in the house til I finally picked a room.

 I rushed upstairs and went through every room in the house til I finally picked a room

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(So imagine the furniture is not there and it's just an empty room. Just for now.)

     My room is just down the hall, so hear foot steps coming down my room.

"(Y/n)! Get your stuff out of the van!"

     I quickly rush down stairs and jumped off the porch to grab my stuff when I noticed my new neighbor across the street, getting his mail. He looked at me and stared, I waved at him, but he kept staring at me. I was getting creeped out so I grabbed my box full of my stuff and ran inside the house. I rushed upstairs to my new room and look out the window. I watched him walk back to his house. I opened the box and grabbed my binoculars and look back at the window. I watched him grabbed something and open the door, throwing it in. It must've been nothing so I got out of the window and started taking my stuff out of the box. That's when I heard a child scream, coming from his house. Like my dad, I'm always there to help someone in need. So I rushed downstairs and ran outside when my dad grabbed my arm before I could cross the street.

"Hey! Woah, woah, woah, what's wrong?!" He asked in a very concern tone.

"I heard someone screaming from that house!" I said, pointing at the house across from us.

     Dad let out a very deep breath and shook his head.

"It's... probably two grown ups having fun." He said with an unsure tone, which, I know what he was trying to say.

"Dad, I already know about the birds and the bees, Mom already explained it." I told him and he gave me a surprise look.

"Right umm..." He cleared his throat, "let's go over there and see what the problem is, okay?" I nod my head as we began to walk to the man's house. Dad knocked on the door and we waited for a couple seconds til he open the door. Now that he's in front of me, he looks even more scary up close. I hide behind Dad, hoping that he'll would do the talking.

"Hey," Dad said awkwardly, "sorry for bothering you. We're new to the neighborhood and my daughter, here, said she heard screaming from your house." The man looked at me and stared.

"Everything's fine." He said, looking back at my Dad.

"Does she have a name?" He asked.

     I grabbed Dad's hand and shook my head 'no'. But he said it anyway.

"That's a beautiful name. Say, how old are you?" He asked kneeling down to my level.

"T-Ten..." I said quietly.

"Hmm, I see... Would you two like to come in?" He asked, gesturing us to go in his house.

My eyes widened and my heart was pounding like crazy. Something about him is not right, why can't Dad see that?!

"Ah, we can't you see, we just got here and we're busy getting our stuff unpacked."

"Aw, that's too bad. I wanted to get to know the two of you." He said getting up and with a creepy smile.

"Some other time then?" Dad asked.

"That's fine with me. It's nice to meet you.." He trailed off.

"(F/n)." Dad then sticks his hand out for him to shake.

The man shook his hand and shut the door. We then began walking back to the house and grabbed our stuff from the van.

"See, there's nothing to worry about." Dad said, but something about this man is not right.

"Hey," He places his hand on my shoulder, "how about this. First one who gets all their stuff in their rooms first, gets to pick what to eat for dinner." He said quickly and grabbed a box or two and ran inside the house.

"Hey! No fair!" I quickly grabbed a box, which is a little heavy, and tried to run to the house.

Before I go inside, I looked back at the neighbor's house, and I caught him staring at me through the window. In fear, I ran inside, upstairs to my room. I threw the box somewhere in the room, slamming and locking my door.

-Dream Over- (You're about 22 years old)

I slowly opened my eyes to where I'm staring at a ceiling. I sat up a bit and noticed that I'm not in my room. Then a huge wave of pain flow through my head, I groan in pain. I got out of bed and left the room, I was then introduced to unfamiliar hallway.

"Where the hell am I?" I thought to myself.

     I then began walking down the hall, down stairs, then another hallway. Where ever I am, it feels like I'm in a maze. As I kept walking, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and was faced with a dark silhouette. He stepped forward enough for me to recognize the figure. In panic, I began to step back then start running. The silhouette ran after me, I kept running and throwing objects at him along the way. I was then faced in front of a door at the end of the hall, to my luck, it was unlock. I quickly entered the room, shut the door, grabbed a chair, and put it against the door knob. The silhouette bang on the door a couple times then stopped. I sighed in relief and dropped on to the floor. I sat on the floor for a couple minutes, trying to collect myself, when I heard something shuffling behind me. I turned around to see who or what it is, but I couldn't see them.

"W-Who's there?" I stand up, trying to see who it is.

And to my surprise, someone stepped out, and I instantly knew who it is.

"Hey, my name is Evan Fong. Who are you?"

Chapter 2 coming out soon

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