c h a p t e r - f o u r

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I didn't end up going home after leaving the hospital. The words had replayed in my mind non stop and it had almost been two hours since I had received that text, which was obviously sent by Asher. I had ended up driving around the town for those two hours, not caring about anything else other than those words.

The fact that Cole hadn't finalized the divorce like I had thought pissed me off, but I was left emotionless. The freedom from getting away from the gang world was the one thing that left me feeling like I could breathe again. I wasn't left with the constant worry about who was going to kill us or harm us and the divorce was supposed to be the last thing that I was rid of.

My grip on the steering wheel had gotten tighter and my anger had surged through my body, finally. The words were processing themselves, but what justice would it bring me? I had grown smart enough to realise that this was what Cole wanted. Driving for two hours made me understand why he didn't want to finalize the divorce.

He was a genius, I had to give that much to him. Cole knew that I didn't want anything to do with him or the gang any more and after divorcing him, there was a big chance that I wouldn't be seeing him again because we didn't have a normal kind of love story. It had taken two years for me to find out that I wasn't divorced and the only way to make sure it was solid was to go to him. Fucking Cole, the fucking genius.

Tears burned my eyes out of the frustration that I felt. Never have I hated Cole than I did right now; he played me good, he really did but what else could you expect from a gang member whose job was to manipulate and lie smoothly? Of course he had other great aspects, but at this moment in time, I wouldn't hesitate in grabbing his gun and shooting him.

The rays of the early morning had shone over the city as I continued to drive. Where? I didn't know, but anywhere that was far from the hospital and the apartment were good enough. I couldn't just not go home though; I had made a promise to my boyfriend, my loving and kind boyfriend that I would be home before he woke up.

A sigh broke from my lips, the only other sound that I had made within the two hours that I had been in this car. The radio had been playing lowly, mellow tunes to remind me that there was other good things in life other than the reality of my broken down marriage and...well shit, if I was making sense of things then I just realised that I am having an affair.

"Oh, you've played me good Cole." I muttered, getting closer to the apartment. If my choice of getting divorced still stuck, then it would take longer because I was currently in a relationship where I was having sexual intercourse. Of course, my reasoning could be that Cole hadn't told me that he didn't finalize the divorce as such but it was his word over mine.

I was fuming by the time I had gotten home, not caring how beautiful the morning had looked because I just wanted to get under the covers and lay next to Michael. The slimy disgust had ran over my body when I remembered over and over again that I was having an affair. Well, if Cole didn't like it then too bad I thought to myself with a sick smirk.

Work was going to be a bitch because I was starting at eleven and I knew for sure that I wouldn't be able to sleep. I was caught in every way possible and Cole knew how to pull every one of my strings, how to get under my skin because he was still my husband after all. A scoff came out of my mouth as I opened the door to the apartment.

The smell of roses filled the apartment from the candles that were lit last night and I sighed. I couldn't think of anyone to talk to about this, no one at all. Michael didn't know about anything, nothing about me having a family to do with the gang or Cole being my ex husband. I had made sure that that part of my information wasn't in my file, that it had been wiped.

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