Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It's rather drafty as we make our way through to the throne room. We are being led by a servant as we make our way through the dark hall. Sirius and Remus are behind me. They, at my guardians backing, requested to come along...Tom really didn't care one way or the other.

The servant brings us to tall double doors before bringing us inside. "Lord Hanzi, I present to you sirs Potter, Black and Lupin" he bows as 'Lord Hanzi' looks up from a page of script he was reading on a long old table and with many intricate carvings. He is flanked by a male and female. The lord merely nods his head that indicates for the servant to disappear.

"Lord Hanzi, thank you for welcoming us into your home," I tell him politely with a slight bow as I take in and copy their auras. I have never been in the presence of Vampires before.

I think they catch on to what I am doing because they do not reply with pleasantries "We will see whether or not you are welcome after our discussion young one" he tells me with no emotion. I would usually rebut to the minor insult, but seeing as this guy looks to be in his earlier years, but in reality, is over 100, I am going to let it slide because the statement does hold truth.

We nix formalities and instead I go into telling him my/our master plan, slyly withholding some details, and answer all the questions that they hold.

"So you wish for us to bend to your will?" he asks, testing me on my response.

He just wants to see if I am as pompous as most people would be who are in my position of power and strength "I am only giving you notice of what we plan, out of respect for you and your people. If you feel like you must intervene then please do...if you wish to join after seeing how capable we are...well then all the better" I tell him honestly.

"Your mind is still young, even with everything you have gone through. Remember to not lose track of what your goals and ideals are. I have seen many men rise with power and be corrupted by it. I hope it does not do the same to you...Lord Potter", well at least he respects me, "We will see what the future holds for you... in the meantime...we will not interfere" he finishes and just like that we are dismissed.

Once again, I am not a fan of the way we are being treated, but since they are an ancient and powerful race and we are in their home...I will keep my mouth shut and we will be on our way. There is still so much to do and so little time to do it.

The weather is nice and it is a perfect time for tryouts for the new tournament.

Draco and I stand with all the others who are trying out for the team. There are too many Gryffindors here for my liking. They are the biggest group and are boasting about what position they are going to get.

The Hufflepuffs are next as far as the number of people to tryout goes. The pick of Cedric has probably inflated their egos. We are pretty much tied in number with the Eagles. They probably, like us, voted on who their best were, not bothering to put false hope into the minds of their peers like the Badgers and Lions have.

The tournament consists of 3 games. Beauxbatons vs Hogwarts, Durmstarng vs Beaubatons, Hogwarts vs Durmstrang. The victor goes to the most wins. If its a tie then there is a 3-way match. The games themselves are what can only be described as a mix between capture the flag and chess.

The field is divided in half, one half to each team, and on each end will be the team's "flag", a golden chalice. The teams have to steal the others "flag" that is guarded by several layers of players. They showed us a model that made it all a lot more clear.

/ = The main attackers who are 6 players, armed with just bo staffs to block, deflect and reflect spellfire as well as attack, that can move in their own region and anywhere in their opponent's area to capture the flag. They can not move back into their own end areas of the fields.

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