Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I had improved from our last skirmish, but so has Tom... I still couldn't manage to beat him.

To add to my frustration, I have the impression that Dumbs is trying to spy on me. Ever since I visited him, and he bombarded me with questions, he has steadily become more of a nuisance. I told him my guardians do not wish for me to divulge any information about my past. He tried to view my mind but once my mind shields pushed him away he backed off.

I need to be on my guard around him, especially with him having mastery in Legilimency. In retaliation, I have done some magical hacking and now have my own spy system set up within Hogwarts. So eat that up, old man. Two can play his game.

Anyways, classes continue to be boring. We are taught incantations, the history of magic and wand movements, but they fail to relate how the magic, coming from your body, is transferred into one's wand so it can be directed into doing certain tasks. They are so hell-bent on believing magic only comes from wands. If that was true than any idiot could pick up a wand, say the incantation, move correctly, and be able to perform any spell.

These people don't teach the magic feeling you need to have to perform the spells at a much faster rate. They don't help us find the magical feeling you need to have before you cast. Heck, confidence alone can be helpful for performing new spells, but no one has mentioned that, nor has anyone explained how important it is to train your mind. Just like how it controls your body movements, the mind controls your magic release as well.

I was taught this at an early age. Tom and Albus probably figured this out for themselves and decided not to share. And people wonder how the two masters of mind magic are so powerful and able to perform wandless magic... Needless to say, the only thing classes do for me is giving me an opportunity to look over potential allies.

My fame is starting to die down and with it, I am able to interact with my fellow... other people. 'Peers' still does not sit well with me. I have caught the Badgers, Hannah, and Susan, looking at me multiple times. When I catch their looks, their red cheeks alone are all the evidence I need to confirm that I am of interest to them.

Sui Lee and Padma Patil are both quiet and reserved, but I manage to strike up conversations with them. I ask them questions about homework and academics and when I leave them, they always give me smiles. So I can only assume I am doing well with them.

Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil are by far the most fun to fraternize with because all I have to do is give them compliments on their looks and flirt with them. The male lions, besides Neville, always get upset when they see me talking with the girls. It's their own fault. They are not giving enough attention to the two queens of gossip. However, even with their weariness of me, I have a good feeling that I can convert Dean, Seamus, and Neville.

Ron might be a lost cause...He is one jealous, low self-esteemed, sad little man. It might be due to having 5 older siblings, but Ginny appears to be fine.

I like Ginny. This probably is due to the fact she is in my own house. She is as brave as any other Lion, but her craftiness outweighs everything else. She also might have a small crush on me from what I can gather. Normally I would use some mind infiltration to figure out my effect on them, but after dealing with the mind assaults from Dumbles, I prefer to have some fun and go into things blindly.

Getting back on topic, I am fairly certain that she and her best friend Astoria are also keeping an eye on me when they think I am not looking. I don't mind, as far as I am concerned, we are on good terms and they can look all they want. Now that I think about it, I am on good terms with everyone in the snake house...

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