Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Please come in" Dumbledore repliesd to the knock on his door.

He is currently in his office with the two heads of the foreign schools, Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch, as well as Hogwart's Heads of Houses. They were discussing the matters of last night and waiting for the Minister of Magic to arrive.

However, the new guests that had just entered were not from the ministry.

News had traveled quite fast.

"Good morning Headmaster Dumbledore and everyone else" came the voice of the leader of the new group of six. "My name is Demetri Ermac and I am from the International Confederation of Wizards"

"I must say, the ICW presence here is most unpredicted. Why wasn't I informed..." Dumbledore asked with a heated kind smile to keep calm.

"There was an emergency meeting. There was an over 90% agreement reached...As of this moment, you are dismissed of your title and position until much further review" the man stated to the shock of the room.

"On what action is this based against?"

"Really? You don't know? Well, matters must be worse than we had thought then" Demetri commented sarcastically as the other 5 members of ICW members chuckled.

"The matter at hand has become slightly complicated, but we are on our way to fixing it" the Headmaster replied reassuringly.

"Slightly complicated!? You managed to cause an international incident last night! There is nothing simple about this situation. Quite frankly the setup of it all already had you under watch by us and it is a good thing we were watching because we noticed how you failed to notify us the instant that it happened"

"I am afraid I do not understand?" Dumbledore told them with a curious look.

"Oh well then let us explain this to you in simple terms so you understand" came another voice from the ICW member. "You decided to use an ancient relic that quite frankly was poorly guarded..."

"We put upwards" Crouch interrupted.

"Yes, wards that have an age requirement on how old they needed to be, but not on the age that should be too old to enter. Bravo on that one. Also, I am not sure if you were just reckless or what, but why does the goblet have the power to rip out one's magic and yet it does not have the power to reject names that were falsely put in?" asked the man to the silence of the room.

"Not to interrupt you Tristen, but I am also curious as to why this ancient relic was used at all. It is powerful and easily manipulated, seeing as who it has picked as competitors" voiced another man.

"Jacob brings up a very valid point. The competitors themselves, are another reason why we are here. The students, Mr. Diggory, Miss Adama, and Miss Leroy all are from influential families. Especially the Adamas, who as you know, have relations within most of our Magical United Nations. The Leroy's run in the circle of the members of France's Ministry of Magic even more so than the Diggory's run in Britain's. The many leaders of our world are concerned with their safety" added another.

"Marek is only hitting the tip of the iceberg. Not only are they concerned with the choices of the student's, but they are also concerned with the choices of the others. The choosing of Minister Fudge for obvious reasons...and then there is you all..."

"I beg your pardon?" asked Maxime to the female ICW member.

"You have a questionable and non-existent family history for example" the woman retorted instantly.

Harry Potter and the Prince of DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora