Chapter 4: "Love Birds"

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Crow and Yusei rode back to Martha's together, side by side. Their bikes revved in sync, chuntering along in blissful unison. Occasionally, as they drove, Yusei and Crow would share a glance and smile at each other, or - if one caught the other out the corner of his eye - they would smile and appreciate the other.

Upon arriving at Martha's, the two parked up and walked up the front path. Yusei was the one to first press his hand against Crow's, and they kept their hands interlocked until Crow knocked the door.

"Crow!!" Martha exclaimed, running and hugging him. "Don't ever rush off like that again!" 
"S-sorry, but I was just busy..." Yusei chuckled beside him.

She pulled the pair in, closing the door, and headed towards the kitchen, inviting the two to sit.

"Yus," Crow whispered before following Martha.
"Yeah, Crow?"
"Can we... Keep this a secret? Not from Martha but... From our friends in Domino?"
Before Yusei's confused face could utter any words, Martha called them over.

"Well, Crow? Did you tell him?" She winked, coercively . 
Crow sheepishly grinned, a strong blush lining his cheeks. "Ah, y-yeah..."
Martha's gaze now fell on Yusei, observantly. 
"I shared his feelings." Crow's blush intensified after Yusei spoke forthright . 

Martha, sitting opposite the pair, smiled understandingly. 
"Good, Crow - you had no reason to worry!"
The red-head Signer stayed silent, head bowed to hide his flushed skin, and he fidgeted with his hands on his lap. 
"Crow?" Yusei queried.
"Yeah, I... I know. I'm glad." He mumbled, through a hidden smile.

Yusei's glare softened, smiling too, and he leaned beside Crow to peck the side of Crow's face. 
Whilst Martha chuckled, and Yusei joined in, Crow completely flushed crimson, raising his head in the sudden shock with wide eyes. 

"You two love birds should head home, I'm sure Jack would be glad to see you both safe. Also, the kids will wake if you stay any longer."
The darker-haired Signer nodded, despite Crow remaining silent, and tugged Crow's hand out.
They said their goodbye's - at least, Yusei verbally did - and drove together back home.


Jack sat, cross-legged, sipping a cold coffee when the pair walked in. He turned his head over his shoulder to see both. 
"Crow, you're back, after a day of disappearance." Jack chuckled, returning to his coffee.
"Yeah, bet you missed me, didn't you?"
"Yusei missed you more." Dodging the question, Jack unintentionally made Crow blush, but thankfully Jack didn't see the tint flush his face. 
Yusei slid a hand on Crow's shoulder, pulling him into Yusei's side as he set his head against Crow's, whispering into his ear.
"Why don't you want Jack to know about us? He's known us as long as Martha has."
Crow hid his face in Yusei's to whisper back.
"Jack would undoubtedly mock us or something, or at least mock me... And, I just don't feel..."
"He wouldn't mock either of us for this, so long as we don't... Act it around him, you know he's against public affection."
"That's not what I mean, Yus. We're supposed to be friends, and were brought up as foster brothers. He'd no doubt find it weird. I-I'm still...Coming to terms with it."
Yusei pulled back, glancing over Crow and flicking his glance to Jack's presence.  He didn't deny it may, at first, seem strange to their friends. But everyone knew that Crow and Yusei were basically soulmates, emotionally bonded since childhood. And Yusei didn't feel right hiding something like this from their close friends. But, after glancing back at Crow's hunched figure on his person, Yusei could tell he was too uncomfortable to push.
Leaning back in, Yusei whispered conclusively.
"OK, if you're uncomfortable we won't say anything for now. I understand."
Crow looked up from Yusei's shoulder, smiling appreciatively. 

Jack gladly took his perceived silence of the pair to glance back at them in confusion, only to be more confused at their strange position.
"Are you two... Alright?" He blinked, setting his empty cup down on his rickety table.

Crow leapt back in shock, stifling his tongue.
"Agh-Er... Yeah! I'm just tired! I- I'm goin' bed!" He ran off, no longer 'tired', it seemed.
Yusei watched his figure disappear, looking back at Jack, who shared his shocked expression.
"He... had a tough day." Yusei bit his tongue to speak. He wasn't exactly lying, though.
"It appears as such." Jack returned to his position, facing away and closing his eyes.
Before Yusei could walk off, Jack added.
"Yusei, was he alright? Did you find out why he ran off?" Jack's voice was quieter, and had the tiniest element of compassion submerged somewhere within.
The head Signer turned around, readying his lie-composure once more.
"Y-yes... He was, worried about... The WRGP. And stressed about work, and how much work we do..." Again, there wasn't too much in his words that strayed from the truth.
"I see..." Jack answered. Yusei couldn't read his tone, but Yusei nevertheless added.

"Jack, please try and be soft on Crow in the next week or so, he just needs to relax and get comfortable for a bit. And... Don't question if Crow and I spend time together or seem quite close, we'd rather just be relaxed about it."
"Why would I question you two being close? You're always like that." Jack chuckled.
"I mean, like hugging more often, or stranger things - since you hate displays of affection."
Jack stood, facing Yusei.
"I only hate public affection if it's between a couple, like kissing or - God forbid - snuggling and smooching." Jack shivered as he spoke, grimaced. "You two just bro-hugging is fine, especially since Crow is the emotional type. I only hate people who act like budgies - I mean, love birds."
The blonde took his cup and headed to the kitchen area of their garage, passing Yusei. 

"Yeah," Yusei spoke under his breath after Jack had left. "Crow and I just love each other as bros, that's all..." 

His body gave in, resting against the wall he was stood at. 

                                                        Crow was right. This is going to be harder to explain than we thought.

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