6. Congratulations

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Amit had spent 15 minutes, simply staring at the garden, then at his empty teacup and occasionally glancing downstairs if their family were going to come to fetch them

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Amit had spent 15 minutes, simply staring at the garden, then at his empty teacup and occasionally glancing downstairs if their family were going to come to fetch them. Aishwarya didn't remember when was the last she was this silent. Then again, the past three months hadn't been any easy.

As she continued to fiddle with her pallu almost tearing it off, Amit continued to stare at his phone waiting for it to buzz! Something! Anything! This silence was killing him too and he could do nothing to break the ice, even if he wanted to. He was too scared that his family or hers would just storm in and scold him for talking to her. He no longer understood what was decent and indecent according to the standards of his family.

Aishwarya let out a puff of air. "I can't handle this any longer!" She breathed with beads of sweat assembled on her forehead. She didn't get tired of jogging or exercising as much as she got tired of not talkingSomething her family would never understand.

Before Amit could respond to her, his phone finally buzzed with the notification.

*Congratulations, your engagement is fixed with Aishwarya. In two hours, you are getting engaged.*

She watched him curiously wanting to know who texted him and what it read. A big, fat smile broke out his face as he got up and fist-pumped in the air. Totally shocked Aishwarya went to his side and pulled his arms down, putting her hand against his mouth and whisper-yelling at him, "Shut up idiot! They will hear you! Have you gone mad?"

Amit gently held her palm that was covering his mouth and brought her close to him. He stole a glance downstairs and saw that one was looking in their direction. The families were busy planning their wedding after all. "Aishuu!!! It's done! We are getting engaged in two hours."

She first looked at him like he was crazy. And then when the realization dawned upon her, she grinned. A lone tear played in her eyes as she pulled him for a bear hug. Amit embraced her nuzzling against the crook of her neck. "We will finally be together chinnu." He whispered.

Aishwarya smiled, "Finally! I can't believe this Immy!"

They didn't know how long they stood in that position. Even the thought if their families found out, it could lead to a mini version of Kurukshetra or at least a war didn't stop them.

Madan cleared his throat approaching them, "Guys!!! BEHAVE!"

Breaking the hug, Aishwarya wiped her tears. "Oh My God! Is the little pailwan crying? C'mon Aishu.. You are the stronger one! If you cry, that guy over there, my too-delicate-to-handle bro will shatter like a broken glass." Madan commented brushing her tears. Aishwarya shook her head, "Immy is way stronger than you all think."

"See! Listen to her! She is the only one with a sane mind. You guys are so stereotypical! Always calling me weak-weak!" Amit shook his head throwing a glare at his sibling.

Madan laughed. "Okay, My Lord! Now.. happy?"

Both Amit and Aishwarya pulled Madan into a group hug. "Did I tell you, you have the best brother in the world?" Aishwarya whispered to Amit.

"Did I tell you my brother will be getting the best sister-in-law in the world?" Amit whispered back.

As they laughed, their hearts had finally found a moment to relax.

"Thank you, Anna! If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would have happened." Aishwarya said as they broke the hug. Madan shrugged, "All my life, I have always made sure, he gets the best. No woman can be his life partner other than you."

"Array.. Guys.. entire family is coming upstairs, buckle up!" Swati announced reaching them seconds before the family did. Aishwarya winked at Swati while Amit gave his sister-in-law a heartfelt thank-you nod.

Madan took Swati's side when the family told the two that the engagement was going to happen in two hours. Amit and Aishwarya put up a fake sigh and a forced smile for their families. When they were dragged away, they gave one last look at Madan's direction with eyes filled with gratitude. Swati bit her lips and side-hugged her husband, "Do you know every day I feel so lucky to be your wife?"

Madan laughed, "Hayee! I should start a match-making business if it means you go all romantic on me!"

Swati blushed smacking his arm. "Stupid." She walked away mumbling some incoherent words as Madan leaned back against the door frame of the balcony. He still remembered the dreaded day three months ago when a fear-struck Amit knocked on his bedroom door.

"It's over.. She.. is in trouble..! She told me not to call when she was at home! I should have waited until she came back to Ahmadabad.. But no! I committed a big mistake. I lost her.. But more than that, what if they did something to her? I can't live without her Anna! Do something!!!!" Amit wailed falling on the bed with teary eyes. Swati and Madan were by his side probing for answers.

"I wanted to talk to her very badly.. So I called her. She disconnected multiple times.. But I told her I wouldn't sleep if she didn't pick up. And she spoke.. She told me ...She missed me.. That she loved me so much.. She also told me she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me.. Thats it. Suddenly instead of her, her father responded to me. He shouted so many things.. And told me never to think of his daughter ever again! I am such an idiot! What have I done?" Amit continued to yell and cry.

After calming him down, they asked him, "Maybe we should call her with a different number?".

"Let's use my number!" Swati volunteered and at the first few attempts the phone was switched off, at her final try, an elderly lady answered. "Hi, I am Lalita, Aishwarya's roommate from Ahmadabad. Can I talk to her Aunty? It's a bit urgent."

"What urgent at 12 o'clock at night? You are changing your voice no? You are that boy Immy isn't it!? Listen to me, I am Aishwarya's mother and I am telling you she will never come back to Ahmadabad again. Just forget her and get lost. If you call again changing numbers or voice, we will have to make a police complaint. Am I clear?"

When the call had ended, Amit's heart had almost stopped beating. He didn't come out of the shock until Madan promised, "You will only marry her. I will make that happen, it's my promise."

And Madan had kept his promise like all the promises.

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