Spells pt 1

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How to Cast a Circle for Ritual or Spellwork

In modern Paganism, one of the facets common to many traditions is the use of a circle as . While other religions rely on the use of a building such as a church or a temple to hold worship, Wiccans and Pagans can cast a circle pretty much any place they choose. This is particularly handy on those pleasant summer evenings when you decide to hold ritual out in the backyard under a tree instead of in your living room! Bear in mind that not every Pagan tradition casts a circle - many Reconstructionist paths skip it altogether, as do most folk magic traditions.

Start by determining how big your space needs to be. A ceremonial circle is a place in which positive energy and power are kept in, and negative energy kept out. The size of your circle will depend on how many people need to be inside it, and what the circle's purpose is. If you're hosting a small coven meeting for a few people, a nine-foot-diameter circle is sufficient. On the other hand, if it's and you've got four dozen Pagans preparing to do a Spiral Dance or a , you'll need a space significantly larger. A solitary practitioner can work easily in a three- to five-foot circle.

Figure out where your Circle should be cast. In some traditions, a Circle is physically marked on the ground, while in others it is merely visualized by each member of the group. If you have an indoor ritual space, you can mark the Circle on the carpet. Do whichever your tradition calls for. Once the Circle is designated, it is usually navigated by the High Priest or High Priestess, holding an , a candle, or a censer.

Which direction will your circle face? The circle is almost always oriented to the , with a candle or other marker placed at the north, east, south and west and the altar in the center with all the necessary . Before entering the circle, participants are purified as well.

How do you actually cast the circle? Methods of casting the circle vary from one tradition to another. In some forms of Wicca, the God and Goddess are called upon to share the ritual. In others, the High Priest (HP) or High Priestess (HPs) will begin at the north and call upon the deities of the tradition from each direction. Usually, this invocation includes a mention of the aspects associated with that direction – emotion, intellect, strength, etc. Non-Wiccan Pagan traditions sometimes use a different format. A sample ritual for casting a circle might take place like this:

Mark the circle upon the floor or the ground. Place a candle in each of the – green to the North to represent Earth, yellow in the East to represent Air, red or orange symbolizing Fire in the South, and blue to the West in association with Water. All necessary should already be in place upon in the center. Let's assume that the group, called Three Circles Coven, is led by a High Priestess.

The HPs enters the circle from the east and announces, "Let it be known that the circle is about to be cast. All who enter the Circle may do so in ." Other members of the group may wait outside the circle until the casting is complete. The HPs moves clockwise around the circle, carrying a lit candle (if it's more practical, use a lighter instead). At each of the four cardinal points, she calls upon the Deities of her tradition (some may refer to these as Watchtowers or Guardians).

As she lights the candle in the East from the one she carries, the HPs says: Guardians of the East, I call upon you to watch over the rites of Three Circles Coven.Powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air,we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle.Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in perfect love and perfect trust.

The HPs moves to the South, and lights the red or orange candle, saying:Guardians of the South, I call upon you to watch over the rites of Three Circles Coven. Powers of energy and will, guided by Fire, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in perfect love and perfect trust.

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