6 ; Logic and the Stars are Two Different Things

Start from the beginning

"How did this start for you," Jisung asked with a concerning look. "With all of you."

"Work," Changbin commented. 

"School, I used to study late at night," Seungmin then added. 

"Paranoia," Woojin sighed, looking towards the ground. 

"Studying as well," Felix spoke slowly in his second language. 

"What about Hyunjin and Jeongin?"

"Hyunjin won't tell us," Chris added. "But apparently Jeongin was abused when he was  littler, it probably caused a lot of anxiety for him when he was younger."

Poor thing... Although he hadn't knew much about the younger one that sprinted across the fields with Hyunjin, he felt incredibly obligated to protect him. The innocence that was portrait in his eyes and the "baby fat" still present in his cheeks, and with a pure smile and giggle could make an easy target for anyone to manipulate. 

"For me, it's honestly everything," Chris giggled uncomfortably. "It started when I was 11, which is such an awful age to get Insomnia..."

"Everything?" Jisung gathered his full interest. "Like what?"

"The fact that I didn't know Korean, the endless nights where I would practice, the stress of seeing my friends debut before me, the anxiety I would get at the times I was told to do something I wouldn't want to, the paranoia of waking up and being sent home," he huffed then looked up embarrassed. "I'm talking way too much, I am so sorry," he giggled.

From behind him, he heard the sound of clapping hands. "Channie is opening up!" Woojin exclaimed, happily clapping his hands. 

"The only time he is ever this open is when he is with me," Changbin confidently chuckled, caressing Chris's back with his thumb. 

"HYUNJIN TOOK MY FIREFLY AWAY FROM ME," Jeongin ran up to Woojin, catching his breath and then sprawling across his lap like a child. "Tell him to stop," he whined like a child. He was obviously joking, mature enough to know how to handle these kind of situations, but his cute presence and whiny tone made him look like a child. 

Jisung felt as if he didn't have control over  his body because just then he stood up with confidence and a poised movement. "I will help get you the fireflies!" It took him three seconds to realize what he just did. 

I just spoke confidently, what the hell.

I didn't know I could do that.

That's the loudest I have ever been. 

Wait, are they going to judge me for wanting to play around?

I mean they aren't judging Hyunjin, and he's the tallest here.

I don't even know him very well. 

Are people watching me right now or-

"Great," he shouted excitedly, balling his fists and bringing them up to his chest like a child. He grabbed onto Jisung's clothed arm, pulling him towards his direction and out into the field with the flowers and their purple glows against the moonlight. 

"Get like two fireflies for me please!" He heard a voice shout from behind him. He couldn't tell who the voice belonged to, but just hearing it made him smile and snicker under his breath. 

"Gah, you're cheating!" He yelled. Goodness these children are strange. "ONE FIREFLY," he argued.

"Why is it so important to get fireflies?"

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