"Please, please Harry!" Louis moaned and begged.

Harry growled, lubed himself, and pushed inside. Tears were streaming down Louis's cheeks.

"Louis! Did I hurt you?" Harry immediately asked and caressed Louis's cheek. Louis opened his eyes.

"No... I'm overwhelmed. Didn't think this would ever...love you...please move now!" Louis whispered.

Harry's eyes were filled with tears as well and he kissed the top of Louis's nose before he started to move slowly. He kissed Louis's forehead, his cheeks, and his lips while mumbling sweet words directed to Louis.

"Love you...so beautiful...my sweet, sweet love..."

They both reached climax fast and laid down beside each other, out of breath, waiting for their bodies to calm down.
Harry then turned his head towards Louis and kissed him.

"I need to feel you inside me now."

Louis didn't hesitate for a second before he rolled on top of Harry and kissed him graciously.

After they made love a second time Harry finally fell asleep in the early morning cuddled up. Louis stayed awake long after Harrys even breaths filled the room, too scared to fall asleep. What if this was just a dream or a cruel joke? Would Harry still be there in the morning? He watched the love of his life sleep in his arms before he finally caved in and fell asleep.


Harry was the first one to wake up, feeling happy. He couldn't remember the last time he woke up feeling truly blessed. He turned around to look at Louis. He was so beautiful. Breathtaking, mindblowing, and absolutely stunning. Harry's heart was filled with so much love for the smaller man beside him. His long eyelashes that Harry had always loved, was casting shadows on Louis's cheeks. His pink lips were parted and he was breathing heavy. Harry reached out a hand to touch them lightly and then he brushed a strain of hair from Louis's eyes.

Louis slowly opened his blue eyes and blinked a few times before he gave Harry a sunshine smile.

"Good morning Hazzabear."

The old nickname melted Harry's heart and at that moment he acted on pure love for the boy beside him.
"Marry me?"

Louis stared at him for a second, taken by surprise.

"Yes?" Harry smiled.

Louis threw himself on top of Harry and put wet kisses all over his face saying yes between every peck. Harry laughed. Louis finally stopped and looked down at Harry, blue meeting green. "Marry me?" he asked.

"Yes." Harry answered emotionally. Louis gave him a sweet kiss.

When they came up for air Harry smiled again.
"Niall will be so happy. Apparently he has been planning our wedding for years."

Louis laughed.
"Of course he has! It's Niall we're talking about."

They stopped laughing and got lost in each other's eyes before Harry finally spoke again.
"I'm so happy! I love you so much, Lou."

"I love you more." Louis whispered before he leaned in for another kiss.

The door burst open and their bandmates came in.

"Geeesh, put some clothes on will you!" Zayn shouted.

Louis rolled off Harry and put the blanket over them. He and Harry sat up in bed.

"Great timing as always guys!" Harry grinned.

"Ya, well. We have to get to the airport. You can fuck later." Liam rolled his eyes at them.

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