Part 16

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Louis was an absolute mess. His hands were sweaty and he was about to throw up any second now.

It was their wedding day, the 28th of June. He needed Harry but Niall had this 'you can't see the groom before the wedding' thing going on. And no one messed with Niall when it came to wedding stuff. Louis had been right. Niall was a full-blown bridezilla.

Countless hours of talking on the phone about tulle, color schemes, and the right amount of doves. Yep, Niall had gone insane. Louis and Harry usually just put the phone aside and made out for a while before saying "aha, that sounds good Niall." once in a while. They had no idea what they had agreed to. Louis didn't care anyway. He could marry Harry at McDonald's, as long as they got married.

Why was he so nervous? He wanted this more than anything! As he started to hyperventilate his phone buzzed. A text message from Harry!

See you soon Love. Can't wait! I'll be the one in Gucci. Love you! Don't run away!

Louis laughed at the last sentence. So Harry was nervous as well. Good!

He texted back.

On my way to the Bahamas. 😉
Bad joke. Love you more! Can't wait to be able to call you my husband. ❤

He loved that it just took a text from Harry to calm him down. He was so whipped!

"Are you ready?" Liam called and came into the room. "You look amazing!"

Louis blushed. "Thanks, Liam! I'm ready. Let's do this!"

It was an outdoor wedding. Niall had really outdone himself. Louis looked around at all the family and friends who were sitting there smiling. Then he saw Harry. He was walking up to him, all dimple smiling and gorgeous and he was indeed wearing a black Gucci suit. Louis inhaled sharply from the sight of him, and then his face broke into one of his sunshine smiles. They met in the middle, gazing into each other's eyes unable to break eye contact. A loud cough brought them back to reality and they turned to face the man who was gonna marry them.

"Niall?" Louis shouted in surprise and Harry let out a loud laugh.

Niall gave them a huge grin and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oi! Did you actually think I would just settle for wedding planner/toastmaster? Got certified online. Let's begin, shall we?

Louis chuckled and shook his head. He couldn't believe his Irish lad.
"Please do so father Horan." Louis smirked at him. Niall gave him one last grin before he turned serious.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of
Louis William Tomlinson and Harry Edward Styles in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, that is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and

Into this estate, these two persons present come now to be joined.
If anyone can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Niall looked around. As expected no one made a sound. "Good!"

Louis and Harry were holding hands and they were gazing at each other with tears in their eyes. Louis could see Zayn bawl beside Harry. He was such a sap.

"It's time for your vows." Niall smiled, a little teary. "Harry you can go first."

Harry smiled at Niall before he turned to Louis and looked down on him with love.

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