Part 5

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Louis woke up from the sound of his cellphone ringing. He answered it with a groggy "Hello."

"Hi, sweetie."

"Oh, hi mum."

"Did I wake you? How are you?"

"Yeah, but it's okay. I'm fine." Louis hesitated for a second before he said fine.

"Uh-oh, what happened? Tell me all about it."

He swore his mum was some kind of wizard or something. How the hell could she hear that something was up?

"It's complicated mum. I can't tell you yet. I'm just confused. I don't know if I like that I never thought I would like, in that way. I don't know how to explain it really."

Jay stayed silent for a while before she answered.
"It's going to be okay, love. Remember that we all love you no matter what. We just want you to be happy. Anyone would be lucky to have you."

"Thanks, mum. How are you and the girls?"

"The girls are doing great. They miss you. I'm good." Louis could hear the smile in his mother's voice.

"I miss you too!"

"Good! I'm gonna go now. Send my love to Harry. Bye!"

"Hrm, I will. Love you mum. Bye."

Louis hung up the phone and rubbed his eyes. Send my love to Harry? Did his mum understand who he was talking about in his odd confession? No way. The thought of Harry made his heart drop in his chest. He still had to face his green-eyed friend after yesterday's strange event. Especially after running out of him this morning. He can't believe they made out! And it was he that kissed him in the first place. Why? Why? Why? Well, they were drunk. Shit happens. It was just a stupid mistake. They can just pretend that it didn't happen. Not even Louis believed in Louis but he pushed those thoughts away. His stomach growled and with a nervous sigh, he decided to go into the kitchen to find something to eat. Hopefully Harry wasn't there.

He was wrong. The first thing he saw when he entered the kitchen was Harry in an apricot apron, stirring in a pan by the stove. Louis could feel his stomach turn into butterflies. Because he was nervous. Obviously.

"Hi, Harry."

Harry turned around and stared at him for a second. Louis felt like it took forever before Harry finally spoke up.

"Hi, Louis."

Louis cleared his throat.
"Ehrm, what are you making?"

"Pasta. Are you hungry?"


"Okay. Set the table?"

"Yeah." Louis was glad for the distraction. He hurried to the cabinet where they stored plates and took two out. He set the table in silence. Harry was apparently very concentrated stirring the pasta sauce.
When Louis had finished setting the table he didn't really know what to do with himself so he just stood there, watching Harry by the stove. He didn't like the tension between them. He had to try and fix this.

"So..hrm... Harry, can we talk?"

Harry glanced at him.
"Yes, we can talk while we eat. Dinner's ready."

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