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??? Pov
I sit up slowly, feeling stronger than the last time that i had awoken. I slowly turn and stand up, feeling cloth against my feet instead of wood. I sit back down and i remove them. I never wore boots for some reason, i guess it helps me process my world around me. Or i'm just used to going barefoot from my years in the woods. I stand once more and smile, that would have to do for now. I stand once more and i head outside, this time there wasn't many people around. I flare out my wings but something kept me here, maybe it was curiousity, or was it the idea of starting a new life. I close my wings and i walk back into the hut, sitting down in a huff. I was worried for my family but i was simply too weak right now. I would wait a small while longer before trying to leave so i can gather my strength. I missed Dad, and i wish that i knew what the other riders thought happened to me. I see a woman with orange hair and silver wings poking out from her shoulders and clad in silver overlapping armor. She turns into the hut and sits down next to me." I'm glad to see you awake lyconwing, you had us wingmaidens worry that you wouldn't make it. That is until you woke up a week ago and tried to fly." I nod and say," that was merely shock and panic that drove me, my family probably thinks i'm dead anyways, and i don't know where i am so i don't know how to get back to them. But thank you for saving me, i likely would've died to the sea if you hadn't saved me, also are you a lycon as well? You do have wings of a dragon." She shakes her head and says," baby razorwhips carry us in flight, whereas you are a lycon by bite or blood, you are more dragon than we could ever be. Unless of course you lose control and try to bite one of us." I shake my head with a chuckle," that will never happen, i am in perfect control of my dragon side." She nods," good to know." I smile as we continue to converse. I'm coming home soon guys, just hang on alittle longer.

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