You break up

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"Babe, come on, we can't be late for this reservation!" Calum yelled up the stairs.

"I'm coming." I chuckled as I walked down the stairs.

"Only took you half an hour." He smiled.

"Says he who took two hours to do his hair this morning." I teased.

"We agreed never to bring that up." He laughed, making me return it as we left the house.

Calum and I sat in the restaurant, finishing our food.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you about something." Calum spoke. I looked at him.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Well, more accurately, I need to ask you something." He spoke, looking at me timidly as he took a velvet box out of his pocket and opened it. My eyes widened as it contained a beautiful engagement ring.

"No, Calum..." I whispered.

"Y/N, we've been together for four years and it's been incredible. You've helped me grow as a person, as a boyfriend, as a band member. You've inspired so much of my music, and I love you for it. So, will you marry me?" he smiled. I gulped, my heart pounding through my chest.

"" I choked. His smile immediately dropped.

"What?" he choked. I looked at him, completely clueless as to what to say.

"I can't marry you, Calum, I'm sorry." I gulped.

"Why not, we love each other-." I looked down. He looked at me with broken eyes.

"We love each other...right?" he choked.

"I was going to wait until tomorrow to tell you this, I didn't want to ruin our anniversary. But, I...I don't love you anymore." I admitted. Calum choked and looked down.

"Who is he?" he mumbled, making me sigh.

"Calum, no, there's no other guy, there's just nothing left here." I gulped.

"Maybe not for you. But for me, we're everything. I just proposed to you for fucks sake, I want a family with you, and now, after four years together, you tell me you don't love me anymore?" he choked, looking back at me. I returned his choke as tears ran down his face.

"I'm sorry, Calum. I never meant to hurt you." I whispered. He scoffed and shook his head.

"I think you should leave. I'll pay for the food." He mumbled.

"Are you sure-."

"Just fucking go." He choked, looking at me. I sighed and nodded before standing up and grabbing my stuff.

"Goodbye, Calum." I whispered. He shook his head and scoffed as he looked down. I sighed and started to walk away. I looked back at him to see him looking at the ring before slamming the box shut and shoving it into his pocket, making tears leave my eyes as I left.


I opened my eyes slowly as I heard my phone buzz. I looked to my side and sighed as Luke wasn't next to me in bed, as usual. I looked at my phone and sighed as I had a text from Calum.

Calum: I took this photo last night. I'll let him tell you about her. I'm sorry.

My eyebrows furrowed as I opened the photo. My eyes widened and I choked as soon as I opened it. I stared at the photo, the one that showed Luke kissing another woman in a club and smirking into it. I put my hand over my mouth as tears started to leave my eyes. I quickly got out of bed and stormed out into the rest of the apartment. I walked into the living room, where Luke was watching TV.

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