You save him from suicide

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*Please note: these imagines contain mentions of suicide, so please don't read them if you're easily triggered by suicide. Thank you*


"I'm home!" I yelled as I shut the front door.

"Cal? Babe?" I shouted. Nothing. My eyebrows furrowed as his phone was on the table, next to his keys and wallet. I looked around.

"Baby, where are you?" I yelled as I started to wander through the house. I looked into each room, not being able to find him. I opened the bedroom door and my eyes widened.

"Calum, oh my god." I gasped, rushing to him and kneeling down next to his still body.

"Calum, can you hear me?" I asked, holding his face. Nothing. Tears pricked my eyes as there was an empty pill bottle in the palm of his hand.

"Calum, please." I choked, holding his face. I dug out my phone and dialled 999 with shaky hands.

"I need an ambulance right now, my boyfriend has just tried to kill himself, please hurry." I gulped before hanging up.

"Please don't leave me, Cal, please." I cried.

I sat in the chair next to Calum's hospital bed, clutching his hand. I looked up as I felt him start to stir. He opened his eyes slowly and looked around.

"What happened, babe?" he whispered, looking at me.

"You tried to commit suicide." I choked. He sighed.

"I take it that you found me then." He mumbled. I nodded, looking down.

"I'm sorry, love. It just got too much and I didn't know what else to do-."

"Trying to kill yourself is never the answer though, Cal." I cried.

"I know. I'm sorry, love, I really am." He nodded.

"So am I." I mumbled quietly.


I opened the front door and walked into the house before shutting it again. I sighed as I sat down and took off my shoes. Suddenly, I noticed Calum's phone sitting on the coffee table. That was odd, considering that he wasn't meant to be home for another few hours and he never left his phone at home. I clicked the home button and my eyes widened as I saw a text from Luke. 

Luke: Calum, please don't do this, don't do this to yourself. 

My breath hitched as I heard whimpering. I dropped his phone.

"Calum?" I called out. I rushed along to the bathroom and tears pricked my eyes at what I saw. Calum was sat on the floor, back against the sink with his hand pressed against the inside of his arm. My breath hitched as I saw blood trickling through his fingers.

"Oh, my god, Calum." I choked as I grabbed a cloth.

"I'm sorry." He muttered as I moved his hand and replaced it with the cloth. He hissed at the pain.

"I'm calling 999." I decided as I stood up.

"No, please don't leave me." He spoke as he grabbed my wrist. I sighed as I sat back down and got out my phone.

"Just hold on, you're going to be okay." I reassured as I put the phone to my ear.

"Yes, hi, my boyfriend has gotten injured, please hurry, he's bleeding heavily. We're in apartment thirty-six in Stanley building on fifth avenue. Thank you." I muttered before hanging up.

"I'm sorry, babe. It got too much again, I'm sorry." He muttered.

"It's okay, just please don't do it again. You're okay, that's the main thing." I sighed as I rested my head against his shoulder.


I sighed as I shut the front door and looked around.

"Luke?" I called out as I dumped the mail down onto the table by the door.

"Luke." I called again. Nothing. I walked along to the bedroom and peeked in to see Luke hunched over the bed, holding something.

"Luke?" I spoke. He jumped and looked at me, quickly covering whatever he was holding.

"Hey,'re home early." He gulped.

"Yeah, my meeting ended early-what are you hiding?" I asked. He gulped as he stood up and looked at the bed. My eyes widened as I saw the gun. I looked back at Luke to see him looking down.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

"My dad." He muttered.

"What were you going to do with it?" I choked. He looked up at me.

"I'm sorry, babe. I've just been thinking recently more and more about..." he stopped himself.

"About what, Luke?" I questioned.

"About how easy it would be to pull the trigger." He admitted. I gasped at his confession before rushing to him and engulfed him in a hug.

"Baby, please don't do this to yourself...please." I cried into his neck.

"I'm sorry, babe...I'm sorry." He choked.


I drove along the road, sighing as I was nearly home. Suddenly, my phone started to ring on the Bluetooth. I pressed call.

"Hey, Luke." I spoke.

"Hey, is Michael with you?" he asked.

"Why would he be with me?" I asked.

"He said that he was going home from the studio with you. Y/N, I think he's in trouble." He spoke. My eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" I questioned. He sighed.

"His depression has been acting up recently. He was so down today, he wouldn't talk to anyone and he was talking about collecting your pills from the doctor after the studio." He explained. My eyes widened.

"You think he's going to try to overdose." I choked.

"You need to get home now." He spoke.

"I'm there. Get here, now." I muttered before hanging up and rushing out of the car. I opened the front door and rushed in.

"Michael?" I called out. Nothing.

"Michael!" I yelled. Silence. I rushed through the house but stopped as I saw my empty pill bottle lying in the hallway. I rushed to the bathroom to see Michael just lying on the floor.

"Oh, god, no." I choked as I knelt down beside him.

"Michael, can you hear me?" I asked as I held his face. Nothing.

"Michael!" I cried. He opened his eyes slowly.

"Y/N." he muttered quietly.

"Jesus." I spoke as I hauled him up and opened his mouth. I placed my fingers on his tongue, making him rush to the sink and throw up. I sighed in relief as I saw pills.

"Michael, why did you do that?" I choked.

"I'm sorry, was getting too much." He mumbled. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Please, don't ever do that again." I cried into his neck, making him hold me tighter.

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