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Ronnie started to write songs and poetry when at a young age. It was her only way of coping with the outside world. She consistently wrote about love before she could even understand it. At 17, she recorded some songs on her laptop and uploaded them to soundcloud. She gained a small following over time and continued to make music.

Moving to California was always on her mind growing up and eventually that's exactly what she did. As her popularity in the music industry grew she became friends with a few musicians and artists. Ronnie actually lived a few doors down from Jaden Smith and they frequently hung out; helping each other with writing and producing. Although, they made very different music it was easy for them to find a common ground.

Jaden texted her sometime in the afternoon on a Friday.

Jaden 😎: ronnie wyd tonight there's a party u should come and meet my brockhampton friends

Ronnie 🤩: i don't have anything planned but i might be tired after my classes :( i'll let u know soon for sure.

Jaden 😎: u will have fun!! plus u need to go out more

Ronnie majored in journalism at UCLA, she wanted to get a degree in case something with music fell through or if she changed her mind about it. She thought about going to a party knowing she wouldn't want to if she stayed at for her next class. She skipped so she could take a nap at home. When she woke up, she texted Jaden back saying that she would come to the party and asked for the address. He texted back within seconds so she definitely couldn't back out now. Ronnie really disliked being around too many new people at once, which was a huge problem for her at school. However, she knew Jaden was right about needing to go out more. The feeling of missing out on experiences was always lingering.

Ronnie changed out of her sweatpants and into jeans and a sweatshirt. She turned on the radio once she got in her car. She heard an angelic voice coming through the speakers:

But you know if I waste my time
Talking 'bout what ain't mine
And you know I'll be last in line
Just like last, last night

She listened to the rest of the song in awe.

"Alright folks, that was San Marcos by Brockhampton," the radio host interrupted her thoughts.

"What a coincidence," Ronnie said to herself considering how she was about to meet some of Brockhampton.
Soon, she pulled up to the address Jaden sent her and found a parking spot. The music coming from the house was blaring from across the street and a few people came stumbling from the back of the house.

Ronnie wanted to go back home to her comfortable bed but instead pushed herself to go up the stairs and walk in. Fortunately, Jaden was passing the front door as she entered. "Ronnie!" he yelled. They hugged briefly and he offered her a solo cup with a drink. She took it without any hesitation, she wanted anything to get her out of her current state of mind. She noticed how red and low his eyes were and started laughing, "do you have any weed?" she questioned.

"The boys definitely do, follow me."

Ronnie chugged most of the contents of her drink and followed Jaden. He jogged up the stairs and barged into a room. "GUYs, this is my friend and neighbor Ronnie. She makes music. Ronnie, this is Brockhampton."
The room was large and full of bodies, a couple blunts being passed around. Of course, she recognized a few of the faces faces from Brockhampton. She waved and smiled at everyone.

Ian spoke to Ronnie first, he complimented her clothes and her music. She blushed and said thank you.

"Honestly, you guys have really amazing music. Dude, the radio played San Marcos when I drove here!"

"Yeah it's insane, a few radio stations started playing it yesterday. We're celebrating tonight," Joba said with a smile as he handed Ronnie a joint. She smiled gratefully at him in return and sat down with all them. Once she took a few hits of the joint she talked to them about living in LA and how different it is compared to her hometown. As she  spoke, she made eye contact with a brown haired boy sitting on the couch across from her. She got lost in his blue eyes for a few seconds and realized she was rambling and said, "Um, alright, I need go get another drink."

"Yeah, guys let's head out, I think I'm gonna go in the pool," Ian said as Jaden and Joba nodded in agreement.

Ronnie started to leave the room with them but looked back to see the the guy sitting on the couch staring at her and smirking.

He's pretty hot. She continued to think about his eyes.

Ronnie, Jaden, and Ian made their way towards the kitchen through the crowd of people drinking and yelling. Ian poured a few shots for the three of them. She didn't have much of a reason to be drinking but she knew it was better than sitting at home alone. For the first time in a while, Ronnie started to feel like she was having a good time.

She downed the shot and spun around to hide her scrunched up face. Someone bumped into her and she felt a cold liquid on her jeans. It was beer. She looked up to see the same brown haired boy with blue eyes in front of her.

"I-I'm so sorry," he said quickly. He was noticeably concerned.

She started laughing and had to yell, "It's okay! It's not the first time that's happened."

"Can I get you anything?" he said into her ear.

Ronnie shook her head to say no and asked for his name.

"I'm Ciarán," he said with the same smirk from from a few minutes ago.

"Cool, I'm Ronnie."

"I know," Ciarán said as he looked from her lips to her eyes.

Ronnie and Ciarán were unaware of Ian and Jaden talking about the two of them. "They're cute," Jaden said.

"Ciaran's been digging her music lately, I bet he's happy as fuck right now," Ian replied and walked towards the backyard.

Ronnie felt a little tension. "I think I'm gonna go in the pool. My sweatshirt is making me hot. Do you want to come?"

For a second, Ciarán was taken aback by how beautiful she is. He wanted to answer the question but nothing came out of his mouth.

Ronnie laughed and said, "I think that means you want to go in." She grabbed his hand and a bottle of wine off of the kitchen island and dragged him towards the backyard. She wished she always had this kind of confidence.

Once they were outside near the pool, Ronnie recognized everyone from the room upstairs. After sipping some of the wine, she started to remove her clothing until she was in her bra and underwear. Ciarán was sitting by the pool already and trying his best not to glance at her. Ian raised his eyebrows towards Ciarán while she jumped into the pool.

ok i'm  gonna end it here i'm SO sorry that it's long. i wanted to set it up n everything but the next chapters prolly won't be as long ❤️❤️❤️

edit:: pls comment stuff!! tell me wat y'all like n don't like tysm :-)

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