Day 4- Safe at last?

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It had been about a month after the incident, only a week ago had Aizawa awoken, he was badly injured from the wack to his head and the added medication to keep him asleep put him into a Coma.

Eri was okay a week after the incident and she stayed with her Aunt Kayama or she stayed at UA dorms. Although she preferred to stay with someone in their dorms she didn't mind out of any of the girls she just wanted to stay with someone.

Yamada was in a critical situation the whole Month he had been in multiple Comas' and whenever he tried to move he'd cry in pain, they soon learnt his throat was extremely damage from attempts to use his quirk and they soon learnt that during the time he was captured they had removed his Quirk luckily it wasn't as strong as the one used on Mirio but now he struggled to speak without his quirk acting up which scared him alot.

They were soon able to all see eachother but it was still difficult Shinsou attempted his best to help but was difficult he wanted his family back but for now it wasn't going to happen even after being together again, Yamada instantly argued with Aizawa because of trying to Trade Eri for him and Eri was too scared to see Aizawa who now assumed she hated him. He knew he should of told her the plan but he thought she wouldn't understand, he ruined everything and they still couldn't get along.

After a few weeks Aizawa Finally apologised to Eri about everything he explained as best as he could at that he was scared to tell her the plan, he knew she would be rescued especially as the problem child was there. It was difficult for Eri to finally trust him but she finally did, it took a little longer for Yamada they were on talking terms as they were allowed to teach just not Hero work not until they were both were fully healed.

Aizawa had learnt what Overhaul did to him and he reacted badly no one had actually explained untill now and he was annoyed, if he was being careful he could of saved both of them instead he was knocked out and had blood taken and needles used for an experiment. His quirk was fine which he was glad about but, he struggled more with sleep.

They were all living in the house again but Aizawa, Yamada and Eri all struggled alot through nightmares no wonder this child cried at night, somehow Aizawa saw what they were doing to him and he couldn't fight it he was stuck basically paralysed watching Overhaul stab needles in him and taking blood.

Yamada constantly saw all the pain they Inflicted onto him they had tortured him and hurt him and and when he was with the Nomu before nearly died he kept remembering the pain that the Nomu did. He couldn't fight the Nomu or call for help because he barely had his Quirk and he could barely fight in the state he was in.

Eri kept Remembering everything from before her original rescue to this rescue mission she now has her new family and friends but she still struggles with trust especially as what Aizawa did, she still loves her Papa but it was harder to deal with everything. Shinsou wished he could help them they were all suffering.

Over a few months they finally were able to do hero work and resume their lives Overhaul was gone for good and with reports it was said he was attacked and no longer had his hands. All three of them were so happy to hear he suffered he put them through hell and now they were free from him at last.

Let's just hope that if any more villians attack they never hurt their family again.

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