The Plan

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Kurama yawned as he stood in front of the aged Kage, they just returning from the mission, a mission that took them a month and a half to complete. Man Matsu was tired and wanting to sleep after being on a month long mission, but he supposed it should be fine, he had taken longer and more grueling mission like that.

"This is your report?" Hizuren asked and Kurama nodded.

It was a very detailed report on the fall the village and its leaders, and Hizuren was a little shocked this happened behind his back, this dated back so far that it was a little unnerving. To have known that the way of the world was the doing of a few men, that strung so many people along, the reason for the fall of the Nara clan, the entire reason life has been so unfair to these two children are paying for the mistakes of the men responsible for wanted a revolution in the leaf village today.

"Are you telling the teens." Matsu said and Hizuren only sighed and turned around.

"I really do not want to be the bearer of bad news, especially since they have been through so much." Hizuren said and everybody had to agree.

How could they tell Naruto that his father died after being confided in by Shikamaru's dad about the overthrow of the village? That Orochimaru has teamed up with Inari to kill the entire Nara clan to make sure the only clan smarter than anybody in this world couldn't figure out their plan.

The Nara clan was no major threat, just a safe security measure for the plan that would ultimately kick off at that years Chunin exams. The plan was quite thought out, Kushina being implanted with a seal moments after she had given birth to alter her thought.

Treating Naruto horrible was apart of the plan, making him cold and an unfeeling weapon, and while he was supposed to survive, Shikamaru wasn't. They made the mistake of leaving the toddler last right when Matsu finally made it to the scene.

The Chunin exams were a way for Inari to finally revolutionize the village they way he always wanted it to be, and giving Orochimaru his wish in finally killing Hizuren, it was sick. Well the demons really batted an eye to it. They knew once the children found out it would be a blood bath.

"Old man, we returned them, can I go home and nap with Shikamaru?" Naruto said dragging a drunken Tsunade followed by a sleepy Shikamaru and a distracted Jiraiya.

Kurama and Matsu looked up from the couch to to See Shikamaru leaning against the wall gazing at Naruto as Naruto sighed stubbornly and ran hand through his hair and Jiraiya chuckled. Placing a hand on Naruto's head Shikamaru looked up and squinting his eyes, scoffing.

"Hands off you pervert, this is going to be the last time I tell you." Shikamaru said sitting next to Kurama and Matsu. Yawning a little.

"Your possessiveness skyrocketed." Kurama spoke and he just scoffed. Jiraiya laughed and brought Naruto into a hug while Shikamaru stood up.

"Do you have a death wish Pervert?" Shikamaru brought Naruto to him, pushing that hand off his mate.

"Jiraiya I told you to stop." Jiraiya laughed loudly while clutching his stomach, as Naruto sighed.

"I suppose I'll stop before Shikamaru actually kills me." Shikamaru scoffed and looked to Hizuren.

"Can we leave now?" Hizuren sighed and snapped his fingers, seals went up and Tsunade sobered up hearing that seal go up, she was suddenly aware of the tension in the room.

"I'm afraid not Shikamaru." Naruto and Shikamaru looked at one another before looking at the Kage, their hands intertwined. Hizuren sighed and looked at the children.

"Your lives have been decided for you, before you were thought of. This tale heads back as far back as when I was picking a fourth Hokage, it was between Minato, Orochimaru and Inari. All strong candidates but Minato was the only one with the will of fire, so I picked him." Hizuren said starting the topic, everybody was listening at this point.

"Inari and Orochimaru were planning to revolutionize Konoha, they needed to do so without being caught, they needed something big, and with Minato restoring allies, they were missing their chance." Naruto sighed and leaned into Shikamaru, he knew Inari couldn't be trusted,

"However, Kushina became pregnant, and they saw their move, they planned to release the Kyuubi but Shikaku, Shikamaru's father heard the whole plan. They waited until the night you were born, and with Orochimaru having the body of an Uchiha, used the Sharingan to release the Kyuubi, reeking havoc. When he was done, Inari placed a memory alter seal on Kushina, making her hate Naruto." Naruto sighed and closed his eyes while Hizuren looked to the teens.

"Shikaku reached Minato when the Kyuubi was already free but told him of what he knew, but it was too late, Minato had already finished sealing the Kyuubi into Naruto, so while on his way to see me, he was killed by Inari. Inari seeing the danger the Nara clan would be to his plan, had himself and Orochimaru eliminate them, however I smelled the vast amount iron in the air and dispatched my Anbu." Jiraiya and Tsunade looked to the teens to see their reaction, but they stood there stone cold.

"There was supposed to be no survivors of the Nara clan, not even a toddler. Matsu came right on time and if they killed you, Matsu would've knew who was in charge of the entire night, so instead of the council promoting Inari to Fifth Hokage, they reinstated me. They had to wait sixteen years because they had to watch you both grow, they couldn't do anything, so they planned and then they made a move to finally kill me, at this coming Chunin exams and the reason I sent you on this mission.

You both basically found this village a fifth Hokage." Naruto and Shikamaru stood there, everybody looking at them as they looked at each other. No emotion on their face but they were communicating.

"Somebody needs to remove that seal off Kushina." Tsunade said trying to break the silence.

"We can't yet, Inari would know we are on to them, assuming Orochimaru didn't tell him that he folded." Matsu said and Kurama sighed.

"So the exams are in a month, we can prepare for what Orochimaru told us, but then prepare for the worst." Kurama said and Jiraiya hummed.

"Who's becoming the fifth Hokage." Tsunade slammed her hand on the desk.

"I will be this villages Fifth Hokage, now Sensei, what do we do?" Hizuren sat there and looked at the kids, they still silently communicating with one another and as he was getting ready to speak, he heard Shikamaru's voice.

"It'll be a bloodbath for sure." Shikamaru said placing a hand on Naruto's cheek, Naruto closing his eyes and sighing into the chest of Shikamaru.

"We move like we don't know, we gather Suna's trust, make sure Orochimaru didn't tell Inari, and just protect the village the best we could, Dismissed. Tsunade, council meeting now however."

Everybody ended up going home, a lot of people more confused than ever.


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