|twenty| - edited

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"Stop picking at your IV," Peter said softly, pulling me out of my trance. The wearhouse fire was last night, and his healing factor got him back into shape quickly. I, on the other hand, was suffering the effects of short term smoke inhilation. A bad cough. Still ash covered. And dehydrated, see the IV fluids in my arm.

"It itches," I complained. Peter took the hand that was picking at it in his, lacing our fingers together. I offered him a weak smile. "You okay?" Peter had PTSD from being trapped under rubble, and last night he was trapped again. In the dark, alone.

"I knew you would come for me, Ari. I'm okay." The beeping of the heart monitor filled the silence that followed.

"You were trapped because of me," I mumbled. Peter shook his head no, but I continued. "You could have died because I wanted save that guy and I couldn't-"

"That wasn't your fault," Peter interupted me, cutting off my ramble.

"He's dead because I wasn't good enough!" I wiped my eyes, the soot and smoke staining my skin coming off with it.

"You can't- you can't beat yourself up over it. 24 people are alive because of you," Peter reasoned, bringing the hand that wasn't holding mine to my face. He was looking at me with such intensity, such sure ferocity, that I couldn't argue.

"Are you okay?" He asked. My side hurt, bad, but it didn't seem important. If it was, I'm sure they would have said something to me about it. Banner had come and gone, dad had come and gone, and nothing about it.

"I'm okay." He gave me a Look. "Promise." Only then he nodded and leaned back into his seat. "You don't have to stay, you know. I'll be okay." He almost died because of me.

"I'm not going anywhere. Unless you want other clothes?" He gestured to the suit I was still wearing.

"Yes, please," I said. Peter stood up, seemingly to go get them. "Get some food, too. I know you're starving." He rolled his eyes and smiled, before giving me a small wave on his way out.

"Miss Stark, General Ross would like to see you. Shall I send him in?" FRIDAY asked.

"Did he say why?"

"No, Miss."

"Bring him in, FRI." A moment after that, Ross stepped though the door.

"He finally left your side, huh?" Ross asked, referring to Peter. I nodded.

"He'll be back soon, and I'm sure he won't be a fan of you questioning me while I'm sick in a hospital bed." Ross just raised his eyebrows. "What do you want, Ross?"

"You're in trouble, Ari."


"With HYDRA. They're after you as we speak."

"You think I don't know that?" I snapped.

"I know you know it, but I don't know why you don't seem to care. This is your life and running into a fire wasn't enough to make it stop."

"So what the hell do you want?"

"I want you to do what's right. Make a public announcement about stepping back from the Avengers. It's the only way to keep everyone safe."

"I'm safe. I have Peter. Who else?"

"Arden Collins. He died in the wearhouse fire last night. That's on you. No one else has to get hurt, Aurora."

"Get out. Now." My eyes flickered behind Ross, to where my dad stood. He looked pissed.

"Mr. Stark! So good to see you, I was just-"

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