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And after that, they have something of an... understanding.

Despite that, Emma's heart is still fucking broken. So she's unsurprised to find herself at Olivia and Jack's house party later in the week, with plans of getting absolutely wasted while Will sits beside her, looking distinctly uncomfortable.

"Lighten up," she tells him, cracking open a bottle as they sit down on the couch amidst the partiers.

"Since when did you become an alcoholic?" Will returns.

She scoffs, tipping her bottle back. "Don't be so dramatic. I'm not an alcoholic."

He continues to watch her wearily. "I don't even remember a time that you went and got drunk two weekends in a row."

"Well, I've had two shitty weekends in a row," Emma retorts. "This week, I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me. Last week..." her voice dies away.

Now he's curious. "Last week what?"

She takes another gulp of beer. "Nothing." She's not about to tell him that she walked in on Ethan and Riley in a very R-rated situation at that last party, and was suddenly overcome with the urge to drink. She'd rather pretend that the two events were unrelated. "The point is, that life is shitty and I've come to accept it. You should too." She offers him the bottle.

"You know I don't drink."

"Yet," Emma says in a sing-song voice, bringing the bottle back to her lips. He sighs and leans back. "I can't believe you convinced me to come to this."

"I know, parties suck, right?" says a new voice, and both of them turn their heads.

She's small and beautiful, and Emma knows exactly who she is because the last time she saw her she was locking lips with Mark— Amanda. And she looks decidedly drunk. Excellent. This should be sufficiently awkward.

When neither of them reply, Amanda comes closer and shoves Will in the shoulder. "Move." He does, shifting to give her room to sit down. She sits in the most brazen way possible, swinging her legs over Will's lap. His eyebrows raise at Emma in the universal 'help me' sign. She looks away.

"So, Emma," Amanda says loudly, putting emphasis on the "A" sound, "We never really got a chance to talk earlier. How do you know Mark?"

Emma suddenly wishes she were anywhere but here. "We're friends," she says shortly.

"That's all?"


"Bullshit." When Emma glances up with surprise, Amanda snags the bottle from her fingers and takes a drink. "You two were banging." There's a pause and Emma is still trying to gather her thoughts without panicking when Amanda adds, "because my dick of a boyfriend didn't mention to you he had a girlfriend from across the country."

Emma swallows. "I'm so sorry." She is. It was true what she told Ethan earlier; she feels dirty.

Amanda shrugs. "Don't be. Like I said, he's a dick. And whether he supposedly meant to or not, he played us. Both of us," she adds, indicating between then with one lazy finger. "I can't believe I moved across the country for him."

Will finally spoke, sounding shocked. "You moved your whole life for a guy?"

"Oh, fuck off with the judgment," Amanda says with an eye roll. "He's the only family I have. I grew up with him, and then he had to move. So I thought, you know what, I'll make as much money as I can so I can afford to come over here and graduate with him. That's what we said we'd do, you know. Graduate together. So that's what I fucking did. Problem?"

"No," Will replies slowly, shooting Emma a she's-nuts look. Emma shrugs.

"And now I'm here," Amanda adds after chugging what's left of the drink. "At this sucky party. To get smashed and fuck someone who isn't Mark." Will seems to take issue with her language if his wincing is any indication. Emma doesn't; she's heard worse from Ethan. Amanda suddenly turns her head to scrutinize Will with new eyes, gaze flitting up and down before she suddenly says, "You wanna fuck, Mr. Righteous?"

Will emits something of a choking sound before forcibly removing her legs from his lap and standing up. "You know what, I'm going to get some air," he tells a grinning Emma, who can't help but sort of like this girl.

"What, am I not hot enough for you?" Amanda bellows after him.

"Not sober enough, more like," Will responds, and then he's disappeared in the throes of the crowd.

Amanda settles back into the couch. "Dick. Is he a dick?" she asks Emma.

Emma thinks about it. "Not really," she answers honestly.

Amanda already turned her attention to someone else. "Oh, never mind. I know who I wanna fuck now," she says. Emma follows her gaze, and lo and behold, Ethan Dolan is leaning against a doorframe talking to Nate, beer held loosely in his hand. Something in her gut tightens.

When Emma doesn't say anything, Amanda turns her head to look at her. "Do you know him? What's his name?"

Emma doesn't respond for a good minute. "Ethan's a real dick," she finally says, suddenly wishing she had another drink in her hand. Because on any other day she might say that with vehemence, but today it just sounds half-hearted, after their last encounter. Ethan's gaze shifts and it's like he heard her words from across the room, because his mouth quirks up and then he's clapping Nate on the shoulder and approaching them. Amanda sits up straighter as he walks closer. "God, he's even hotter up close."

(Emma can't agree more.)

"Emma," Ethan greets Emma when he gets to them, in his usual mocking tone. "And..." He cocks an eyebrow up at Amanda.

"Amanda," she replies promptly.

Ethan eyes turn to Emma, and an understanding passes between them. "Amanda," he says slowly, still looking at Emma. "Nice to meet you." It almost ends up sounding like a question; Emma knows it's up to her to answer, to tell him that things are okay. She nods and shrugs so infinitesimally that anyone else might not see it.

Even she's not sure what the exchange means, but it seems Ethan gleaned something from it. He turns his wide smile on Amanda.

A drunk Amanda appears to have no time for niceties. "Emma says you're a real dick."

He barks out a laugh at her bluntness. "She's right."

"Good," Amanda responds. "Finally, some transparency around here." She stands up suddenly. "Wow, I need another drink. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere," she shoots at Ethan.

He grins. "I wouldn't dream of it."

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