The Full Change: Part 2

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Several months after Mike completed his transformation, we decided that we should take a vacation. I had returned to the company as a spokeswoman and head of the new community outreach program- we mostly spend time and money trying to end ocean pollution. The change was much harder for him since he had to still head into the office while I got to sit in the tub and the pool during mine. We decided that we needed a break and headed off to his vacation home near the Bahamas.

The house was almost as large as the house back home in California. The indoor pool was a welcome site for us since we had to stay in our human forms the entire flight. The company had developed a new, waterproof stocking for us. Mike said that is was for rescue workers who needed to go into cold water. It was pretty much a thin, skin tight, skin colored wet suit. We wore them so that there were no unwanted changes in public that might bring about some questions that we were not ready to answer. I didn't mind wearing since it was almost impossible to tell it was on. It felt like flesh, it looked like flesh, and covered from the waist to the toes- that is where we needed to get wet in order to change. We found that a single drop could bring about some scales and our legs would get weak. However, if we were to get caught in a rainstorm, we'd be flopping on the ground soon enough and precautions had to be made.

Jenkins went and put our bags away. Mike's phone almost immediately began ringing and work carried him away before we could even get situated. I couldn't wait and ran over to the pool and began to strip down. I sat at the pool's edge and slipped my feet into the water. It had been so long since I could swim and just slid into the water before I could even begin to change. I had a huge sigh of relief as I felt my legs fuse. I had a giant grin as I sat on the bottom of the pool and placed my hands on my tail. I loved feeling the scales surface under my fingers. It was still weird for me sometimes to be able to have feel my fingers on the scales. "I'm a mermaid now," I needed to remind myself, " and this is no costume below my waist, this is my tail, and this is my body." In case you may be wondering, I consider myself a mermaid who takes human form, not the other way around. After about an hour of lying under the water, Mike finally joined me but of course it was not long before he was called away yet again. I got frustrated and decided that I would go out and explore the island. I pulled myself from the water and sadly dried myself off and watched the scales sink back into my skin and my legs reappeared. I got dressed and out the door I went.

It was still early in the day and I decided that I would go see the beach first and the crystal clear ocean. I rented a beach chair and laid out in the sun for several hours. The stocking was seamless so no one noticed that I was wearing it. It was remarkable since sunlight could still get through and acted as a suntan lotion too.

After a few hours on the beach, storm clouds began to roll in and the sun disappeared. It was time to go home and get a bite to eat. Hopefully Mike was done working and could enjoy hisvacation too. As I strolled down the street, two men came running in the other direction and one knocked me down. I fell hard but I was ok. As I got up, the sky opened up and began to pour. I pulled an umbrella out of my bag but it was too late. Did the fall tear my stocking? No, in my rush out the door, I forgot to put it on. I collapsed to the sidewalk and tried to crawl into an alley but I didn't make it. My shoes were off and I heard my bathing suit rip apart as my legs fused. I watched in horror as my skin turned to scales and my feet into a fantail. A gap-jawed crowd had gathered and a low murmur arose from them. The rain kept coming and there was no chance I could dry off quick enough to get out of there. I don't know if it was the shock from transforming in public or someone from the crowd possibly shot me with something but I passed out right there and when I awoke, I was not back at our house and I wished that I was anywhere but where I was.

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