"Care of Magical Creatures barely counts as a real subject. It was only invented for those who have no real academic capabilities." He huffed deeply.

"Is that why you took it then?"

Draco's cheeks began to flush a vibrant pink. "Stop questioning my academic decisions Elise: my father thinks they are perfectly acceptable."

"Well if daddy says so." She turned back to face Daphne who clearly had little interest in conversing with her. Knowing full well that no conversation would likely arise between them, Elise turned to the books sat on her lap. She had begun reading Confronting the Faceless as soon as she finished Hogwarts the previous year, despite the contents almost frightening her, she hadn't been able to stop reading. Every word had kept her gripped, every page she turned had kept her up later and later at night: Elise found herself lost in the book.

Abruptly, a dark powder began raining from the ceiling of the carriage. Elise quickly dropped her book, her eyes darting across the carriage, attempting to locate the source of the darkness. "What's happening?" She heard various cries of confusion arising across the carriage. Elise could hear the utter chaos unfolding before her; although she couldn't see it, she could picture the students rushing around in front of her. Like a thinning mist, the darkness eventually began to fade away as though it was a curtain pulling open to reveal the red light from the sun seeping into the carriage.

"What just happened?" Draco seemed evidently tense, his body remaining still as though he were a statue. "Blaise?"

"Don't know." Blaise seemed tense himself, but it was nothing compared to Draco.

"Relax, boys. The lights went out is all. Come, Draco. We'll be at Hogwarts before you know it." Pansy shuffled closer towards Draco, but his body didn't relax, in fact, Elise almost thought she had seen him tighten up more.

Elise's eyes quickly darted towards the luggage where she could have sworn, she saw something move. As she looked back down towards her book, she knew Draco had seen it too. "We aren't too far away from Hogwarts anyway." She gave him a short smile, Elise couldn't tell if he was genuinely anxious, or if it was simply a façade.

"Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school." He shuffled away from Pansy. "I think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I thought I had to continue on for another two years."

"But you have got to continue for two more years." Elise was confused.

Pansy looked just as confused as Elise, her eyes focusing on Draco's face as though he was an enigma that could be cracked. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Let's just say I don't think you'll be seeing me wasting my time in Charms Class next year." Pansy, Blaise and Elise all shared a look of confusion, Blaise even going as far as to release a short chuckle. "Amused, Blaise? We'll see just who's laughing in the end."

"I think it will be us, the ones who actually receive their NEWTs." Elise smiled at Draco but as soon as she did, she wasn't sure if it was the right decision.

"I won't need NEWTs, none of us will." Elise could tell what he meant; she could see his intentions plastered over his face. She knew it best to abandon the conversation where she was before she dug herself a hole too deep to climb out of. Spotting her book still on the floor, she quickly reached down to collect it, opening it up and losing herself in the information once more.

After several years Elise had become accustomed to the long journey to Hogwarts in fact, she almost enjoyed them. Sitting on the train made her feel surprisingly comfortable, watching the glorious Scottish foliage passing her by made her feel at ease; the journey made her feel finally ready to go back to Hogwarts after a glorious six-week holiday.

"Elise, what options did you choose for this year?" She turned to see Pansy leaning towards her. Elise wasn't particularly in the mood to talk but she knew it would be rude to ignore her.

"Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and Muggle Studies." Elise closed the book in her lap and turned to face Pansy. "Which ones are you doing?"

"Well I'm not smart enough to do as many as you so I'm only doing Charms, Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts." Pansy looked content with her chosen subjects, earning a few nods from the surrounding Slytherin's. "I can't wait to be done with Hogwarts, it's all such rubbish." Pansy made an exaggerated attempt to roll her eyes, failing miserably, instead, her eyes darted left and right rapidly.

Although Elise disagreed, it was never easy to argue with a Slytherin. Despite being considered popular within the Slytherin house, it was certainly not due to her speaking her truth; Elise said what the other Slytherins wanted to hear. "I couldn't agree more."

"As soon as I get out of Hogwarts I can start living; not long left until that can happen." She flicked her hazel hair audaciously, strands of it flying into Draco's face.

"Fucking hell Pansy." Draco snarled, his hands flicking the hair away from his face as he shuffled further away from her. "Go annoy someone else. Blaise looks like he wants some company." He shot a smile to Blaise who's face suddenly fell as he saw Pansy rise from her seat and sit herself down on the seat beside her, sliding closer towards him until their bodies were touching.

"Thanks a lot, Draco." Blaise tried to move away from Pansy, but she was seemingly adamant that she would receive some sort of human interaction, no matter who from.

"Elise, come sit with us, Daphne won't really mind." Elise glanced over at Daphne who was happily snoozing away opposite her before quickly throwing herself into the seat beside Draco.

"So are you going to be part of the Quidditch team this year again Draco?" Elise queried, recalling a memory of his father purchasing the whole Slytherin team Nimbus 2001 broomsticks, essentially buying his way into the team.

"Not this time." He said simply.

"Why, couldn't buy your way in this year?" Elise earnt a small chuckle from Blaise, but Pansy looked as though she might lurch forward and tear her to shreds.

"Actually Elise, I could have easily done so. I simply have a few more important things to be doing this year." Draco declared, tugging on his left sleeve tightly.

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