Chapter Sixteen

287 15 93

 Warnings: Angst

Word Count: 1854

Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

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"And done," Y/N smiled as she threw the last strawberry into the bowl. "Now what?"

"Do you want to go sit outside?"

My hands were already shaking.

Y/N walked over to the window and looked out it. "It looks like it's going to start raining. We should probably stay in here."

"Your room then?"

I didn't really care where we sat. She just needed to know. Soon.


Y/N bobbed her head as she slowly made her way down the hallway towards the stairs. I followed close behind, already nervously picking at a hangnail on my thumb.

"Where's Carter?" I asked.

"On his coffee date with Marenna."


"Yeah, I can't wait until he gets back and tells me all about it. He hasn't been quite the same since they broke up, so I really hope that they get back together."

"That would be cool."

Y/N turned to me as we walked into her room, "Are you feeling ok, Ty? You've been weird all morning."


She took a seat on the edge of her bed and gestured for me to sit next to her. Once I was settled, she pulled her legs up under her so that she could sit cross-legged.

"What are you nervous about?"

"I just have something really important to tell you."

Her eyebrows lifted slightly, "You do?"

"Yeah, but it can wait. I don't want to make things weird."

She shifted. "Ok."

Why couldn't I just tell her now?

"So, um, what now?"

I shrugged, "I'm not sure."

Y/N grabbed a grape from the bowl and popped it into her mouth. I reached over and tried to grab one, but she swatted my hand away.

"You told me you didn't want any fruit!" she laughed.

"Then I saw your fruit and changed my mind," I said, already reaching for it again.

She sighed and held the bowl out towards me, allowing me the choice of whatever fruit I wanted. I grabbed a nice strawberry and a couple grapes.

"Tyler!" she groaned.

"What did I do now?"

"Stole the strawberry that I was looking forward to!"

The way she said that made me smile. It was the first genuine smile that had been on my face all day.

"Should have moved faster."

"Ty-ler!" she said, drawing out the end.

I took a bite out of half of the strawberry before holding it out towards her, "Still want it?"

She contemplated it for a moment, started to reach for it, and then stopped suddenly.

"Nope, I can't. I thought I would be able to eat it, but..." Her nose scrunched up. "I can't."

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