Chapter Twelve

287 22 57

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1796

Author's Note: As always, I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has been showing support for this series! It means the world to me :) Also, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

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I dumped my mug into the sink and rinsed it out, but left it to sit until I decided to do dishes later that night. There were other, more pressing, matters on my mind.

Like the beach trip with Y/N yesterday.

Everything had felt so natural, from her taking dorky pictures of us at sunset to carrying her around when her shoe broke. For the first time in a long time, I hadn't been thinking about how she deserved someone better than me. Or how I would never be good enough.

All that mattered was us.

And yet, I was still too scared to tell her how I felt.

I grabbed a clean t-shirt from my closet and pulled it on over my sweatpants. There was still a couple hours until I had to meet Josh for practice, but I didn't really want to spend the entire morning shirtless. My apartment was too cold for that, even after drinking a steaming cup of coffee.

My phone started to ring as I was in the middle of brushing my teeth. Normally, I would have made whoever it was wait until I was done, but this was Y/N.

"Hello?" I answered. My voice sounded weird, considering my mouth was full of toothpaste.

"Tyler!" she huffed. "I need your help settling a debate... again."

"Is it Mario Kart related?"


"What's the debate?"

"Ok, so this morning Carter and I were having a tournament using characters that we don't normally use. I won't tell you who chose who for sake of avoiding a biased answer, but the debate is about if Princess Peach or Baby Bowser is a better character."

"Better for what?"

"Just in general."

I spit out my toothpaste and rinsed my mouth before answering, taking the time to really contemplate my answer.

"Ok, I have an answer."


"Peach is better."

"No, Tyler! Wrong answer!" she groaned.

"What do you mean wrong answer?" I laughed. "You asked for my opinion, so that's what I gave you."

"Yes, but you were supposed to read my mind, determine that Baby Bowser was the correct answer, and then tell me that so that I could beat Carter in this stupid debate."

"He said Peach was better?" Carter asked from the background.

"Yes!" Y/N answered. "Because he's dumb."

"Hey! You've said yourself that I'm the Mario Kart expert."

"Yeah, well maybe that only applies in some areas."

"Sorry, Y/N. I'm sure I'll be on your side next time."

"Yeah, right," she laughed.

"Is that all you needed?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Ty."

"No problem."

"Wait!" she said suddenly.

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