Chapter 13

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PoV: ???

"Where are they?" I couldn't wait, I had a present for them. I took some little kid, a wolf cub, for him. He was tied up next to me, a cloth muffling his complaining.

I saw them. A red hood covering their face. I saw them snap a man's neck and drag him away into the wood. I grabbed the boy and followed them. I slowly snuck up on his, I couldn't believe it... he was eating the body. Ripping it apart like it was paper. I couldn't see his face, but I a caught a glimpse of the lips, glossy with blood. I leaned closer...


  Their red and white eyes glared at me. The slowly got closer.

"I'm not here to disturb you," I back away as they growled, baring blood stained fangs, "I brought you something. Look."

  I dragged the kid over and laid him in front of them.

"Food..." he sniffed the kids neck before bitting into him and killing the kid.

"Can I see your face," I asked him, "In exchange, I can get you something."

  They ignored me and kept eating. I reached to the body and they growled. I removed the kid's clothing so he could eat more. He was distracted and I pulled his hood off.

"You're beautiful..." I couldn't believe this someone could look like this. His blue fur and dark eyes. They were amazing, "You're like a succubus."

  He finished their corpses and I followed him. He gave the bones to a pack of wolves and left. He snuck into an apartment.

"Another victim?" I asked.

  He ignored me and removed his clothing.

"Woah..." his body was georgous.

  He dumped his clothes into the sink and filled it with bleach. He showered and mopped the blood from the floor. Next thing I knew he laid in bed and the sun came up.
PoV: Sonic

"Mm..." I woke up and immediately I threw up, I couldn't make it to the bucket... my bed was ruined.

"That's a strange thing to do after a meal."

  I froze, there was a complete stranger in my room. I backed away, I grabbed my lamp to use as a weapon.

"You're eyes are different."

"My eyes?" What is he talking about? Did he see exe? Why didn't he kill him?!

"You remember me. I gave you that kid to eat."

"What..." what's going on?!

Ring! Ring!

  My phone was going off. Rouge was calling. I answered it.

"Little boy, you better meet me early, or else," she hung up.

This is how I'm going to jail...

"Hey, why did you throw up?" The stranger glared at me with their red piercing eyes.

  I gulped as I gripped the lamp, "I don't want trouble... just take what you want a leave before the sun sets."

"What happens at sunset?" He grabbed me by the throat.

"... y... you... wo...won't be... safe..." I choked.

"So that's it. You're a splity, that's amazing. You have no idea what the other one did! Hahahahaha! You're more insane than I thought you were," he dropped me and I pulled off my puke overed sheets and put them into trash bags, "What's your name?"

"... ... Sonic..." I needed to leave, I couldn't risk Rouge saying anything if she knew, but this guy was a whole nother problem.

"You kill anyone like this?" He asked.

"Never," I slowly got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Boring," he opened my window, "I'll come back when you're fun," he jumped out the window and I was felt alone.

  The golden hedgehog with red eyes, he knew what I was. He was risk.

"Risks must die."

  Yeah... "They do."


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