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Employee : Boss, you called me?

Boss : Yes, go to home and make love with your wife.

Employee : (After an hour) ,done sir

Boss : Do it again.

Employee : Done again, sir.

Boss : Do it once more

Employee : Now I don't have

stamina for it, sir.

Boss : Very good,here are my car

keys, drop my daughter at home.

Explanation: What a smart and proactive boss. He is so doubtful about his employee or daughter that he makes his worker to tried before sending his daughter with him. But anyhow it was a funny experience. Isn't it?

A pregnant lady asked her Sir if she could have the day off because she wasn't feeling fine. He tells her the only way she is leaving work is if she starts her contractions. So she yells "shouldn't, couldn't, Can't, didn't, won't, wouldn't!"

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