•Lisa's plan

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Lisa stared in shock at her younger sister who was practically running away from her in high speeds. She left her shopping and chased after Taco. She has been missing for over a year. She was mean. All elder sisters were mean right? But they meant well.

When she finally found Taco who was walking in fast strides towards the parking lot. Lisa hastened her strides then clutched her younger sister hand.

"Taco wait!".She yelled. Tacomina stopped. Her cheeks all puffed up and her brown blonde hair in thick curls. Her light caramel skin shined in the sun light afternoon. Lisa at that moment was stunned by her sister's beauty. Her sister was a natural beauty. Although plump and generous,she was still beautiful.
Lisa's heart grew bitter,but she forced her emotions away. She also felt guilt and she looked at the shabby washed out clothes that were clearly old and some of the stitches looked to be done more than once.
She was a daughter of a wealthy business man for crying out loud.bs
"I am getting engaged this weekend. Please come home . I would like to see you there. And here ,buy a decent dress,cause...... you know mom." Lisa said giving her younger sister a credit card. And her business card.
"No thank you. And I am afraid I cannot attend. I am working,on Saturday".she replied as politely as possible.

Lisa wrinkled her brow.
"Work? On a Saturday. That is absurd. Do they pay you extra for it?".She asked.
Taco smiled."I get peanuts,but they put food on the table and shelter over my head. So yes I have to work as a shitty waitress on a weekend,cause there will lot of people who come and give good tips to small people like us. Excuse me . I am on duty."she turned around and marched forward towards the white Audi with the Rusav surname as number plate. Lisa awoke form her stupor from hearing how much suffering her little sister went through.
It is afterall all Lisa's fault that good girl Taco went to a party and got knocked out.
She looked up to see Taco driving away in a Audi. Her lips parted in shock. But she could not see the number plate. But she could see that only Taco was in the car and further more the one driving it.

She immediately drove home to tell the family a out what she saw. They have searched all over the state for Taco,but could not find her. Despite not liking her she is a legitimate miss of an influential family. Should she die or be kidnapped for ransom ,the public will have their heads and their family will fall.

When she entered the meeting room,she greeted her elders. Then her parents.
Her great grandfather from her father's side ,an impressive man with a strong figure despite his eighty nine year benchmark. He has sturdy muscles ,a deep voice that wavered ever so slightly to show his heaving. He was tall and dark too and currently the head of the family,but the oldest person is in the hospital, Lisa's maternal great grandmother at Ninety seven.

",Speak child,you called this impromptu meeting?".He said seriously. He never really liked Lisa. He loved her yes,but disliked her as well as her attitude. She was too much of a prude, disregarded her Tsonga roots and focused more on her English ones. He liked Tacomina more,she had the complete look of a full bodied African girl. Further more,she left the family to save her child.

They were just angry at the time,so they didn't think she would give up luxuries for a child. But she did. She left her phone ,so the couldn't call her.
"I found Tacomina".she went straight to the point,she would've decorated the words,but with the head there she had to be straight.
At that moment everyone was now aghast.  They looked around as if she around.
"Where is she?".aske the head.
"Mukhulu kehla ,please.  I met her not long ago at the mall today. She is obviously nolonger recognises us as family as I kept running after her to find out information.  She was mum. She got on her car and drove off saying she had to go to work."she explained.
Her mother kept quite . Her father had a guilt stricken face. He r Great grandfather then asked.",What off the child?". Everyone was curious.
"She has a son ,Jose she named him. But she didn't give me time of day. So I could only invite her to the engagement party as a ruse to get her here. However chances of her coming are slim."

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