Mr Long's House

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Tacomina as frightened as she was ,allowed herself to be driven to an unfamiliar place. Holding her Jose close to her chest. Her mind on the elder woman who cared for her more than most people.

She woke from her stupor when Mr Long opened her side of the door on the back passenger seat, looking up she saw him extending his hands. She stood up gingerly. She was still shaky,as her ands were shaking he took the baby ",Let me". Him bring stingy with words said. She gladly handed him over. Leading them to the apartment complex. Getting to the elevator ,he pressed a button and it led them to the tenth of the twenty four floor building. Then when the elevator doors opened a nice couple entered. Seeing the two they were surprised.

Mr Long was holding a baby in his arms wrapped in warm blanket. The girl next to him looked AFRAID! To say the word. The Asian couple nodded to Mr Long. He nodded back. When the elevator doors opened ,Mr Long pulled them out with him. The couple leaned to the side to see Mr Long taking them to his apartment. Opening the door , Taco was shocked . It was beautiful and neat. Moving from the door to the immediate right is a counter and a kitchen area adjoining the dining room . It then leads to a living room with lounge suite and a television set and balcony with huge windows and glass sliding door. By passing that he led them to the passage which had four doors. "The closet,my bedroom ,your bedroom. Bathroom". He pointed . She nodded absentminded.

He led then to their room,placing Jose in a crib ,that's when Taco woke up."You have kids?". She asked. Looking at the nude and charcoal and white colored room with a double bed in a white duvet that had nightingale on a black tree branch drawn on it. the entire floor was black-brown hard wood floor and shiny. The bed was low with bamboo frame and a thin mattress. But despite its small size ,it looked comfy. In fact the entire apartment looked wholly asian. He sad ",I will fetch your belongings now. " he said ."You can rest a bit". He added. Reaching the bedroom doorbell added again ".You can eat too". He said. Deciding it was enough ,he left.

Tacomina sat down in thought and confusion. Then a call came through . She answered ",Hello?". She sniffed. "Taco?". The lady asked. It was Mrs Rusav . Tacoma a cried. "Honey are you Kay ? I heard what happened". She asked worriedly. Tacomina cried and expressed her worries. It's okay honey. Where are you now ? Are you at the house?" she asked. "No ,I couldn't . I am at my friends house for the time being". She said. "It's not fault honey." Mrs Rusav said then said ", Actually , I was calling to send you our regards and your full payment and too make sure you have a place to stay ,otherwise the house and the car are available". Mrs Rusav said. "No ,that wouldn't do". Taco shook her head. "It's fine Taco dear. We are transferring her to Russia tonight. My husband is worried for her so he wants her near. So we aren't likely to come back,but if you need any help ,don't hesitate to call okay?". Mrs Rusav said. "Okay. Is she okay?". Taco asked again . "She is alright ,she just had a minor stroke,but now her condition is stable. She is okay enough to travel now. "

After a while of chit chat they said goodbye. Mr Long entered after a short knock ,with a suitcase . Placing it by the side he fetched more things. Her things from her apartment. Her eyes grew wide.she thought she lost these. But she felt that they dirtied this clean place . After placing down the last box. He left after a nod in her direction. Reaching the kitchen ,Mr Long poured water in a pot and spaghetti. Then red hot tomato sauce in another pot.

Hearing the sizzling sound of food and the smell ,Taco's eye brows rose. Her stomach grumbled. Jose was sleeping. She stood up gingerly and crept towards the kitchen. She found the image of a man wearing a pant suit and white shirt. And an apron. He was chopping here and there,swishing here and there. Then he took out two china bowls and placed them on the counter. Taking the pot mat he dished the spaghetti into a larger bowl. Then the sauce on the side dish. He switched off the stove. Closing the pots. Taking of the apron,he placed it aside and looked up. Finding Taco he smiled a bit and said ",Why are standing there? Come". He beckoned her closer. He flushed having being caught oogling.

Reaching the counter he said ", Sit". She sat mechanically on one side. He sat on the opposite side.
He dished himself. She dished herself a small amount. He said nothing. They ate in silence. It was similar to hotspot ,except it was just the sauce without the meat. But she was sweating nonetheless,why her brows were all sweaty. Her nose red. Her blonde brown curly hair matting her forehead. He frowned ,standing up he fetched a glass of water and gave her. She smiled in appreciation. She drank the luke warm water."Why warm water?". She asked. "Cold water makes it worse". He simply said ,and continued to eat using chopsticks. He actually noticed she hesitated between the fork and the chop sticks then choose chopsticks which she used expertly. He didn't ask on the matter. He will just research more on the matter.

After the meal ,she stood up wanting to do the dishes he said ", It's fine ,I have a house keeper" . He said. She was shocked. Ashely always said he was a stingy dragon who never pays an extra penny or for unnecessary things. But she kept it well hidden."Okay. Then ,I will get paid in a while. I will move out . At most a week is enough". She said. He looked at her and said ",Not necessary." he said. "But ,I can't stays here for long. What will your girlfriend or your parents say-". She was cut off. "I don't have a girlfriend nor parents. You will be fine". He said seriously.

She looked at him then sad ",What am I to you then? Why am Ihere ? What is my job?". She asked. For some reason his eyes glinted atthat point. He said wiping the counter ",You are my roommate. Myemployee. Your job is to serve me coffee at any time I want. Morning, noon ,nightor at early mornings. You are to bring me lunch at work at noon precisely,andmake me tea as well." he said. "How much do I ran?". She askedindignantly a hand on her hip,her lips pursed and cheeks bulging. Hislips twitched. Then he said "100.00" he said. Her eyes browsrose ",One hundred cents!". She shrieked. He sighed knocking hisknuckles on her head ". Silly ,when did I say that. I will pay you R100.00per cup." he said. Her eyes widened considerably. That is too much money.She was shocked silly. 

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