Chapter 6

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Sahil, the same man whom she had dated at The Regale was now present in front of her. His face was shell-shocked. He stood up and was going to speak that Pragati interrupted 'Hi Sahil. Vishal you never told me your friend's name by the way. That's nice you both work together'. 'Vishal you also never told me your girlfriend's name. That's nice you both live together' he said with his eyes fixed at Pragati. Sahil had now found an object to blackmail Pragati and make her his fuck-slave. Sahil mentally smirked. What she didn't do at their date, she would now do on his one order. But he decided to spare her at that moment. She looked pretty scared and innocent. Though Sahil had a big mouth, this time he curbed the truth looking at Pragati's pleading face. 'Pragati, you know he still has not returned my car. I don't know how many dates you guys go on' Vishal joked and chuckled. Pragati smiled too but apprehensively. Sahil still had his eyes hooked at her. If Pragati would had known that Sahil worked in the same business NC where Vishal worked, she would have never dated him. His eyes had the same lecherous flirtiness which he had on their date. The video which showed both of them exchanging glasses of wines, Pragati laughing on Sahil's jokes and then dancing on a romantic music was now really getting on her nerves. What if all of them got disclosed to Vishal? sounds no less than a menace. 'Did you prepare anything for us? Ms Cook cookie' Vishal asked her breaking her jitters. She went to the kitchen to fetch the mcains, kabab rolls and shawarmas she had made for them and zipped-mouth came out. Looking at Vishal's happy face, she thought she shouldn't ruin the juncture and served the plates on the small round wooden table. Vishal and Sahil grabbed two spoons. Sahil was playing with the spoon with his eyes fixed on Pragati. 'Was he going to eat me instead of the food?' Pragati wondered. Sahil raised both his eyebrows up and then down started eating.


'Baby have you made this or ordered? I don't think a lazy chick like you can work so hard' Vishal mocked. 'Shut up Vishal' she blushed. 'You're really magical' Sahil said. For Pragati, it was an equivocation and for Vishal, it was casual. Sahil had focussed on the word 'really' which meant she proved she was alluring to men. In the pace, Vishal kept on blathering while the two momentarily glanced each other with blank faces. 'Dhaniya chatni is there! Wow! Serve it please! Looks best with pakores' Vishal said. Pragati got up to fetch the chatni bowl which was kept beside Sahil's plate. Sahil stared up at her. Pragati only focussed on fetching the bowl. By mistake Sahil's hand collided with the bottom of the bowl and the chatni spilt out on his white shirt. 'Oh shit!' Sahil stood up. 'Oops! I am sorry!' She apologized and adviced him to wash his sleeve in the kitchen. 'Haha I told you she is lazy' Vishal though joked upon the situation but Sahil's shirt was looking too odd like the hand of any green zombie. She came into the hall and opened her wardrobe to take out a handkerchief but couldn't notice that the blue checked andamen had fallen down from there. When Sahil came into the room dusting his wet wrist he took the handkerchief from Pragati and cleaned his shirt. His eyes fell on the andamen fallen near the wardrobe's foot. He stared at it for some time. More than some time....

Was he real or imaginary?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin