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(09:42) Hey, did you make it home okay?

(09:44) yeahh sorry i had to leave so soon

(09:45) winnie is an asshat who can't mind her own business

(09:45) i'm glad she didn't knock down your apartment door trying to get to me

(09:45) No, she knew Alayna would have killed her.

(09:46) yeah i thought my phone was on do not disturb but i guess not

(09:46) i'm really sorry for waking you up and so is she

(09:47) It's fine. She just didn't know where you were.

(09:47) I would be worried, too.

(09:48) I'm kinda glad you woke me up before you left. I think I would've panicked if you left without a trace.

(09:48) yeah lol


(09:50) winnie told me alayna is dragging you to prom with her!!

(09:50) uh. do you wanna be my date?

(09:51) i know prom is in like a few days so this is super last minute butttttt since you're already going,,? do you wanna make it an official thing?

(09:51) i could go out and get corsages for us? and maybe we could take dumb pictures together and yeah

(09:52) I would LOVE THAT, actually.

(09:52) That would be awesome.

(09:53) neat!! okay

(09:53) okay i'll go out today and find us something aA

(09:53) Okay, you do that. :)

(09:53) aLso this tuesday, my mom is planning a little end of the year party (even tho we all have like a month of school left) for some of my cousins and stuff,, you can come to that if you want and meet my extended family and stuff

(09:54) you don't have to but it would make it more fun if you were there bc all of my cousins are like eight :')

(09:55) That sounds fun! I'll try to make it.

(09:55) nice!!

(09:56) okay i'm gonna go to the store now bye i'll see you on tuesday i guess

(09:57) and then after that it's off to prom!!!

(09:57) Cant wait!

(09:59) How can you even get any texts from your girlfriend and just. Not combust.

(10:00) Olly sends me one (1) text and I just explode.

(10:00) You get used to it, buddy.


The week leading up to Prom was one that Olly spent dying of anticipation.

He did go out and get corsages the morning after his date with Ash like he said he would. He managed to find green hydrangeas, which was perfect by his standards because he remembered Ash saying his favorite color was green (plus, the color reminded Olly of his eyes). He and Winnie had been planning to go since before Alayna had even come into the picture, so he'd had his suit for a while, and he assumed Ash was in the same boat. There was no last minute rushing to do.

goodnight, strangerWhere stories live. Discover now