1.7 Mad Max & Queen Candice

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Candice snickered a bit at the image that created in her mind. That would be extremely hilarious.

Maxine made a face at that statement. "Damn straight. I could eat both of you at the drop of a hat."

"Even me?" Annabell pouted, cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk.

Max grinned evilly. "Why would I give up on such a desert?" Annabell gasped dramatically and stared at Maxine before the both of them, and even Candice started to laugh their heads off. They all honestly couldn't remember what they remember what was so funny by the time they calmed down.

Candice was gaining her breath back when she remembered something. "By the way, Anna..."

Anna looked over at the girl sitting across from her, head tipped to the side. "You and Jason went on a date yesterday, right?"

The entire table was silent for a short bit before Annabell's entire face burst into flames. "W-who told you that?!" Dammit, Jason! You snitch! Brooke couldn't help but cry out mentally, freaking out. If Candice knew, who else knew?! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh.

"Jason's mother wouldn't shut up about it last night. She quote," Candice made air quotes. "'Couldn't believe there was a girl who could stand her son for more than an hour that didn't want money'."

While Annabell sank deeper into her seat, face covered, Maxine's brain was processing the new information and the information she'd received on Friday from Ethan. (After yelling at him for being late to Boxing Club, but people didn't need to know that.)

"Max, you won't believe what Jason did today!"

"Don't use him to get out of this! Where the fuck were you?!"

"I was at Student Advisement to see Annabell, but that's not the point right now!"

"Oh god, my brother's become a weirdo. I understand how all those siblings in teen dramas feel now."

"He threw me out of the room and locked me out!"

"I would've thrown you out too, dumbass!"

So that was why Ethan had been so promptly kicked out. A case of jealousy, yet Maxine couldn't seem to accept it. Annabell going out with Jason. It seemed weird to her. Maybe she was just a pouty friend. Yep, she was definitely a pouty friend.

"Wait, you guys went on a date? Like... A date date?" Maxine asked, gesturing to the blushing Annabell with wide eyes. All she got was a silent nod. Annabell was kind of having a not so mid-life crisis so she was down for the count in this conversation until she recovered.

"I couldn't believe it either. I haven't heard of Jason going on a date since. . . I can't even remember. That's how long it's been." Candice recounted, surprise obviously written across her face. This spurred on the conversation that was being turned into white noise by Annabell. The perfect balance of interest and embarrassment. What could bring it all crashing down?

A female lead, that's what. Ain't they charming?

The female lead in this instance is Miss Charlotte, our darling little Cinderella and her trusty sidekick Sarah.

To put that into more believable terms, it was Charlotte wanting food and Sarah paying for it because she was told to. Charlotte was going to capitalize on Sarah's adoration for her as much as possible. After all, she needed the money that the girl possessed.

Sarah was the daughter of an extremely rich liquor tycoon owner, the only daughter, and she was doted on constantly with all sorts of gifts in the form of money, clothing, and jewelry with only the finest falling into her hands. Not to mention their close relations to the Yates and Han families. Every year, the Yates would host an exclusive dinner party with the help of the Hans for everyone in high society. The ones who supplied the wine and hard liquor for the party were Sarah's family, the Brandy's. This party would be happening in a month. Being friends would Sarah would surely get Charlotte an invite and closer than ever before to getting to know Jason.

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