Diarrhea Burrito

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If you do end up doing this since a lot of people are dumb, I'm not responsible for your stupidity and please do not actually try this

Welcome to idonthaveanythingtodowithmylifeatthismoment//plssendhelp.org, This is a tutorial on how to make diarrhea burritos! Before you get into reading, please like and share to your friends and family members cause I wanna be famous 😎


Step [1]
Take some Laxatives so you get that nice seasoning.

Step [2]
Put your fresh diarrhea in a plastic baggie, make sure it's enough for how many burritos you would like

Step [3]
Go into your kitchen and grab some tortillas before heating them up, which is optional

Step [4]
Put your diarrhea on your tortilla with whatever extras you'd like

Step [5]
Eat it.

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