↯chapter twenty-three: SCARS↯

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"How did you know I was here?" Harry asked as Draco allowed Harry to enter his room.

"I heard you shuffling around outside. Honestly Harry there's no need to be so nervous. It's just me." Draco said.

"Okay but it's... You." Harry said as if he had said something different. Draco sighed.

"You had a lot more confidence the first time you were in my room." Draco said, shaking his head a little.

"Yeah well... Now I'm nervous." Harry said, tossing his cloak onto the dresser by Draco's bed. 

"Just come here." Draco said, nodding to the left of him as he sat on his bed. Harry swallowed hard and sat next to him. Draco huffed over the fact that Harry left space between them. "Prude." Draco said. Harry scoffed and kissed him, making Draco smirk lightly as he slid closer to his boyfriend and slipped his tongue into his mouth. Draco remembered the first time he did that and how Harry practically melted against him. Harry's hands fumbled for the buttons on Draco's shirt. "God Harry, have you ever taken someone's shirt off before?" Draco demanded, pulling back and undoing the buttons himself. Harry didn't say anything. He couldn't even believe this was happening.

"I have." Harry said indignantly, reaching up and running one hand through Draco's hair. It was so soft without the product in it. Harry liked it better like this. Draco's hands stilled slightly as he stared at the concentrated look on Harry's face. Draco could tell from constantly staring at his face, that Harry was trying to decide what to do. "I'm just shit at it." Harry leaned in to kiss him again and Draco cupped Harry's face in his hands, shifting closer to him.

Draco could feel Harry tugging the rest of his shirt out of his pants where it had been tucked in and finish undoing the buttons that he had left behind in favor of running his hands through Harry's hair. Harry pushed the fabric down his shoulders and Draco slipped it off. Just as Draco was about to demand that Harry remove his shirt, Draco felt a sharp pain on his chest that made him hiss and pull away from Harry completely. Not now. God why did it have to happen right now?

"Holt shit." Harry said, unsure of what to do. One second he's kissing Draco, wondering what's going to happen next and suddenly, Draco is wincing, pulling away and suddenly has several small cuts on his chest, all of them seeping blood. Harry fumbled for his wand on Draco's nightstand behind him as Draco grabbed his own on his bed. "Are you okay? What happened? Let me see." Harry touched Draco's bare chest lightly and normally, Draco would've been thrilled but he didn't want to have to explain this to Harry. He didn't want him to know what this was.

Harry listened as Draco murmured a spell under his breath. The spell sounded familiar but it wasn't one of the normal healing spells. In awe, Harry watched the wounds on Draco's chest slowly close up until they were nothing but faint pink scars all over his upper body. Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't realized he had been holding his breath. "Draco are you okay?" Harry asked softly. Draco wouldn't look him in the eyes. "What was that?" Still nothing. "Draco."

"You mean you don't remember?" Draco said, his voice void of all emotion. "Sixth year. Our fight in the bathroom." Harry cringed.

"I... I don't like to think about it." Harry said softly, touching one of the small scars, his thumb running over the bumpy ridge. 

"Well that's what this is. Your sectumsempra curse." Harry stood up, the words chilling him to the bone. Sectumsempra. He didn't even like to hear the spells name in his own head. 

"Wh-what do you mean? How could this still be my curse? I thought Snape reversed it." That's why that spell sounded so familiar. Harry could often hear Snape chanting it in the back of his mind in his nightmares about hurting Draco. 

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