Chapter 7

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Rose's POV


Today was an important day for me. Today was my first day trying my job as a builder. I was both nervous, and excited. I had to made sure that I did everything perfectly, that I looked strong. I didn't want to lose my job on the first day. However, with the way that things went with Gally yesterday, I was sure that not being able to be a builder was a definite option.

When I reached the building area, I saw that Gally was waiting for me. He was in the same outfit as when I had first gotten here; red shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, green Capri's, and a pair of brown boots. He had a tough look on his face, and had his hands on his hips. I stopped walking once I reached him. "Good morning!" I said, smiling. I tried to be nice and cheerful today, not wanting to start off on the wrong foot. Gally just rolled his eyes, and took his hands off his hips. "Yeah." He mumbled, looking down. I didn't know what else to say after that, so I just remained silent.

"Okay, today, you'll start off by helping me make a chair." He told me, walking over to one of the tables with supplies on it. "A chair?" I asked, following him, and stopping next to him. "Yeah. You know, something you sit in." He replied, taking about a hammer from underneath the table. "Why?" I asked. Gally set the hammer down, letting out a sigh, and looked down at me. "Is the only thing your going to be doing asking question, or are you actually going to work?" He asked me, raising his eyebrows. "I never said that I wasn't going to work." I told him, slightly shocked by his sudden harsh tone.

Gally let out an annoyed sigh, and looked down at the hammer. After a second of thought, he picked it up, and handed it to me. I took it from him, looking up at him. I wanted to ask him why he had given it to me, but decided that asking a question was not the best thing to do in this situation. "Since I know you want to ask a question, the reason I gave you the hammer is so you can show me what you can do so far." Even though I couldn't remember much, I was sure that I did not know that much about building. Of course, I did know how to use a hammer. Most people did. I just did know exactly how to build items like chairs or tables. I was sure that it couldn't be that hard to learn, however. I was starting to question why I had actually wanted this job so badly in the first place.

"Rose." Gally's stern voice said after a minute, breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at him, and saw him let out a sigh. "Do you know how to do this?" He asked, clearly annoyed. "Yes. I do." I told him, which was a clear lie. "Then do it." He told me, sternly. I wasn't sure if he actually believed me, or if he just wanted me to hurry up and screw up so that he could know that he was right about this job not being the right one for me. I held up the hammer, taking a deep breath. I brought it down, hitting the silver nail, and making it go into the wood. I hit it again, and then a few more times.

After I was done hammering, I looked over at him, hoping that it was over. Gally raised in eyebrow, before replying. "Well, keep going." He told me, in an agitated voice. I looked down at the nail, which was as far down in the wood as it would go. I then looked back over to him, confused. "You have no clue how to do this, do you?" He asked me. I looked down, playing with the hammer in my hands. "No." I muttered, barley above a whisper. Gally hung his head, staring at his feet. A small sigh left his lips, before he walked over to me. I held out the hammer for him to take, which he yanked from my hands rather harshly. "Okay," Gally started, leaning against the table. "Watch me closely, because I'm only doing this once." He told me. I nodded, leaning on the table as well. "Okay." Gally said, looking down at the wood.

Once he had gone through a few steps that I had to do in order to get the chair to actually be able to hold a person. "You got it?" Gally asked, causing me to tear my eyes away from the wood. "Yeah." I said, not sounding to confident. Although, I was not confident at my answer at all. Gally nodded, not seeming convinced. He backed away, and looked from the wood, over to me. "Show me then." He said. After he did, I looked away, and at the wood again. I picked up the hammer with my right hand, and held the wood with my left. I took a small breath, a slammed the hammer onto the wood. "Rose, Rose, Rose, stop." Gally said, walking over to me. "You can't hit it that hard, or you'll split the wood." He said.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my own, which caused me to jump a little in surprise. "Calm down, Rose." Gally said into my ear. I could feel my heard sped up a little, but was unsure why. I wasn't sure if it was because of Gally, which most likely wasn't true, or the fact that I was nervous about getting this project right. "You have to be more gentle, like this." He said, guiding my hand down onto the wood with the hammer. Once I had, I glanced over my shoulder at him. Our faces were less then a couple of inches apart. Gally looked at me, his blue eyes not looking away from mine. It was silent for a moment, both of us just staring at one another, before Gally looked down at the wood. "Okay, um, I'll be over there if you need anything." He said, before dropping my hand, and walking back to his work area. A sigh left me, and I grabbed the hammer harder. After a second, I want back to work on the chair, making sure to be more careful this time.


"So Rose, how was your first day as a builder?" Newt asked, as I sat with him at dinner. I glanced down at the bowl of stew in my hand, and mixed the vegetables in it around with my spoon. I gave a shrug, before answering with words. "It was alright I guess." I told him, looking up at him. "Just alright?" Newt asked, smiling a little. I nodded, not really liking to talk about the subject of work. "Are you sure that you were actually getting work done?" Newt asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, and nodded. "Yeah. Why?" I asked. Newt shrugged, and looked down at his bowl. "Nothing. It just seemed like you were paying a little more attention to something other then the chair you were working on." Newt finished, before looking up at me.

It took me a minute to realize what he was getting at, until I put the pieces together. Once I had, my eyes widened a little. "Oh, you mean Gally?" I asked, my voice quiet. "See, she knows just what you were talking about before you even said anything." Thomas added. "No. No. Defiantly not. I wasn't paying attention to him." I said, before stirring the vegetables around again. "I mean, it seemed like you guys were getting pretty close. Literally." Thomas said. "What do you mean?" I asked, looking up from my bowl. "Well, he had his hands on top of yours when he was trying to get you to hammer the right way, and his face seemed like it was to close to yours to be just friendly." Thomas explained. I rolled my eyes, before replying. "He was helping me to build a chair. There is no way that we are anything at all, and there is no way that I want to be anything more." "Yeah, well I think that-" "Hey Rose, can I talk to you for a minute?" Someone asked, cutting Thomas off. I turned around, and looked up to see who it was. I saw Gally standing behind me, looking down at me. "Um, yeah." I said, standing up from my seat. Once I had, Gally began walking towards the exit, and I followed close behind him.


Gally led me out to a secluded area a little ways away from everyone else. It was quiet, and peaceful out here. It was much different from all of the loud sounds during the day. "So, what did you need?" I asked him, after a few minutes of silence. "I just wanted to say that you were right." He told me, looking over at me. "About what?" I asked him, not understanding what he meant. "You were right about you being able to be a builder. I know that you had trouble earlier, but after I helped you, you got the hang of it. I'm sorry I doubted you." He said, sounding more then sincere. "It's fine." I told him, not knowing how else to respond.

"This doesn't make us friends though." He told me. I nodded, expecting that. "I know." I told him. "There's something that doesn't seem right about you. You were the first girl up here, and you weren't even on schedule for when people arrive. You weren't crazy like the other gliders were when they arrived. Your different, and I'm not sure if it's a good thing, or a bad thing." He explained. "Well, whenever you figure it out, if you ever do, let me know." I told him. He nodded, continuing to look at me. "Believe me, you'll be the first." He told me.

We just sat there for a minute, looking at one another. It was silent between us, and neither of us really said a word. Although, instead of it being awkward like it should be, it wasn't really at all. After a minute, I looked away, not wanting to keep the eye contact any longer. "Well, um, I better go back. People will be thinking you banished me or something." I said, trying to think of a way to break the slightly awkward tension. Gally looked down, and laughed a little. It was the first time that I had ever seen him seem a little happy while talking to. "Okay. Night Rose." Gally said. "Night Gally." I replied, smiling a little.

Once we had both said goodnight, I turned around, walking back towards the kitchen area. My smile slowly faded as I thought about what had happened. Gally had been acting strange ever since I had gotten here, but what had just happened was by far the strangest thing he had done. He had been friendly, kind, and he acted like he actually wanted to talk to me. Even though it was only for a few minutes. I sighed as I walked into the kitchen, and put it in the back of my mind. I put a smile on my face, and made my way over to Thomas and the others.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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