The three outlaws laughed.

"We're none of us gentlemen, chica. But we're here to protect you, and that's what we'll do. Now I suggest you all be quiet, the whole point of travelling after dark, is so we won't be noticed.

You smiled, you now felt more at ease, now that Micah wasn't hovering around the wagon.

The rest of the journey went without incident. The most annoying part next to your side hurting, due to the jolting of the wagon, was not being able to talk. Especially since Sean had started riding next to the wagon. You found him funny, and friendly.

It took a while to reach the destination. Not that you had any idea where it was. But the air became muggy, and thick, which you didn't particularly like.

It was still dark when the convoy of wagons turned off the main track, down a densely wooded path. When they came to a halt, you could smell it. The smell of being next to a lake, and the air became slightly cooler and less muggy.

"Javier, please, help me sit up, I want to see." you begged.

Javier gently helped you to sit, and you looked over the side of the wagon, to see the moon reflecting in the stillness of the lake. It lifted your spirits, for the first time in days. You just hoped that Dutch wouldn't keep you shut in the tent. You longed to be out in the fresh air. You hoped that now you were away from the other camp, he would consider it safe for you to be outside.

For now, though, you lay back down on the blankets, and closed your eyes. Now the wagon was still, you were able to drift off to sleep for however much of the night remained.

You were slightly surprised when you woke the following morning to find yourself on a cot. Even more surprised, if not alarmed, to find a strong pair of muscular arms wrapped around you.

You tried to wriggle out of them, but you were held fast. Looking around, slightly panicked you realised you weren't in your tent, and all you were wearing was Dutch's shirt, and your knickers. You did recognise the scent though, and when he spoke, his voice confirmed it.

"Ah, so you're finally awake. Stop wriggling, you're quite safe," Dutch chuckled, as he pressed his chest against your back.

"Wh... What are you doing in my cot?" you stuttered, your face beginning to flush.

Dutch smirked, "actually, sweetness, you're in mine!"

"Why?" you gasped.

He chuckled, "because last night it was too late, to put up all the tents. One of the perks of being gang leader, is I get mine first. I wasn't about to leave you to sleep in a wagon all night!"

You felt his hand slide into the inside of your shirt, and rest on the bare skin of your stomach, heat radiating through your body, you trembled.

"I..." You gasped as his hand began to move across your stomach.

"Don't tell me you don't like this, Blair. I can tell that you do, don't you? He purred.

You let out a cross between a moan and a whimper in acknowledgement, as you felt a warmth rising in the pit of your stomach. You tried your best to back away from his hand. But your back only pressed harder against the solid wall of Dutch's muscular chest, and the hand applied a little more pressure, keeping you in place.

Dutch nuzzled the back of your neck.

He hummed, "you smell so good."

He kissed your neck, swirling his tongue on the soft flesh, peppering it with little marks.

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