98. Belgium. Pt 2

Start from the beginning

"I don't want him to race." She sobbed as Daniel put his arms around her. "I'm terrified."

"Shit Chloe, you can't be like this." He rubbed her back, he wanted to move her to somewhere more private but she was trembling and wouldn't move. "Please tell me you haven't told him."

"Not as such, just that I didn't want to come to the circuit today."

"We're racing drivers, it's what we do. It's our life, our profession, it's all we know. If I'm honest, I've thought about not racing today, I expect we all have, even Seb, but we're doing this for Anthoine today and Seb will need your support, you're his PA." He stepped back, holding her by the tops of her arms.

"If...." She gasped, feeling herself losing control. "If....if something happens...."

"No." Daniel stayed firmly. "Do not even go there." He gave her a gentle shake. "Nothing like that will happen." He pulled her close once more. This was the absolute last thing he wanted to hear anyone say right before he was about to jump into a powerful formula one car. He didn't need thoughts like that going through his head, once they were in there, it would be game over. "I don't want to hear you say that again, you hear me?" Not caring that they were in full view of everyone but not seeing Seb who was now looking for her, he pressed his lips to her forehead and kept them there until he knew he'd have to move and let her go.


The grid was busy but not as busy as usual though it was an emotionally charged affair after another minutes silence for Anthoine alongside his family. Seb was grateful to have Chloe out here with him as well as Antti and if his PA was still nervous about the race then she was doing a good job of masking it. Maybe Daniel had helped her with that or maybe she had helped him the way they were holding each other earlier. He tried to block all thoughts of the pair of them from his mind but couldn't stop the image of Daniel kissing her forehead from flashing in front of his eyes. No one was to kiss her except himself, no one was to comfort her, touch her, breath on her, but him. The Australian walked past him, on his way to his grid slot. Without saying a word to either Chloe or Antti, he left them and soon caught up with Daniel.
"I need a word." Seb put a hand on his shoulder and he spun round to face him.

"Sure, what's up?" He noticed the scowl on Seb's face and he knew right away what this was about.

"Back off and keep your distance from Chloe." He kept his voice even but loud enough to speak while engines started to roar around them as mechanics and engineers ran final checks on the cars.

"You're kidding me, right?" Daniel looked at Seb in astonishment, was he really being warned off his friend?

"Do I look like I'm kidding? I saw you with her earlier in the paddock, you've been sniffing around her ever since Thursday and it stops now. Got it?"

"This coming from the guy who cheats on her and makes her cry? You don't deserve her!" He stepped forward, not afraid to get right in the German's face.

"I won't tell you again, you lay one more finger on her....she's mine!" Seb snapped.

"Last time I spoke to her she was still single so don't give me that bullshit. I will not turn her away if she comes to me for comfort." Daniel snapped back.

"Ok guys, let's stop this before it gets out of hand." Micheal stepped in to separate them.

"There's only one type of comfort you're interested in giving her, stay the fuck away from her!"

"She was in tears out there!" Daniel pointed towards the pit area and paddock. "Because she loves you and cares for you so much, fuck knows why, she can do so much better than you! You've treated her like shit!"

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