Chapter One ~ Change (Cailin)

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One year from now, I would be away from these dirty glances and rude comments.  Even if that sounds like heaven, it cannot be.  Tari isn't strong enough to last that long.

A year from now, my sunny, witty little sister would be wiped off the face of the Earth as if she never existed.  A year from now, Tari would be bidding me farewell and telling me to be strong.  And I would, only for her.

I had to steel myself just to make it through that thought without crying in front of the gymnasium full of extremely judgemental people.

On the announcement, they called all students and staff to the gymnasium where there would be a presentation, followed by the Student Representative Council and staff introductions, then organizing the people into their homerooms and sending them to class.  The classes then would get the lockers and combos all set up along with the supplies into the lockers, and consist of long, boring, and repetitive speeches about respect, rules, and course outlines.

Every year, the first day of school is the same.  And the only real difference is the new faces of the grade seven students, and the lacking of previous grade twelve students who graduated the school year before.

I found myself stuffing my few amount of binders into my single locker, which was better yet a waste of space compared to the double lockers my sister's and her surrounding grades would receive.

My arms were currently holding my saxophone music sheets, and my other instrument guidance sheets.  This year I was learning trumpet, tuba, and percussion. 

A shove from behind, a couple snickers and laughs, sent all my organization skills to waste.  The papers flew everywhere, and as the bell rang a mob of ignorant grade tens walked by crumpling, ripping, and viciously murdering my music sheets.

I picked up my papers hastily, practically running to class and realizing I was missing some papers after I had gotten to the theater where the band class was located.

As the teacher was getting the percussion ready with their own music, a tall boy with curly hair, the colour of dark chocolate, walked up in front of my music stand.  A music piece, called Quiet Times which was familiar to me for it was mine, was placed on my stand while large, muscular, tanned hands gently picked up my music folder looking through my music for where to place the piece.  He placed it carefully into my folder and set it on my stand, but didn't leave me. 

After staring awkwardly yet intently at the nice breathable blue Nike shoes that were on his large feet, he spoke up. I felt his gaze upon me. "Ethan was just being an ass along with Ryder, you know."

Sheepishly I looked up at his forest green eyes. "I know." I said quietly so only he could hear.

The boy left passed me, and I thought I scared him off. I didn't even know what I did. Maybe I was being too depressing? I didn't know, but when he pulled up a chair beside me and pulled out his clarinet music I figured he was brave enough to sit beside the most hated person.

"So," he started as he set up his clarinet. "May I know your name or am I stuck guessing with my imagination?"

Taken by surprise, I quickly replied, "I would rather hear your guesses first."

Smiling, he stated, "Sierra, Isabella or Dana?"

I had a slight smile playing on my lips, and I shook my head. "All your guesses were wrong, but I like the names."

"I am Hayden."

"I'm Cailin."

Hayden extended his hand for me to shake. My hand was much smaller and weaker than his, but it was nice to have an act of kindness. "Enchante."

"What does that mean?" He asked.

"'Good to meet you' in Francais." I informed him.

"I didn't know you were into French." He grinned. "Suppose I have to learn to understand you better."

Heat came to my face like light comes before sound. "Uh, uhm, sure I guess."

He laughed a hearty laugh, then the teacher called the class to order.

》 》 》 》

Class had flown by and I was packed up and heading out the door when a hand places itself on my shoulder. Without looking, I internally lost it, and walked faster up the main stairwell. I wasn't about to be bullied more in one day.

Somebody was calling my name, so I just kept going. Ethan was at the top of the stairs, but I walked quickly passed him, after him giving me a strange glance of what might have be been concern and most likely worry which was deranged.

After I got to my locker, I quickly put my stuff away and got ready for class. Next was Physical Education. I loved being active. It was fun and healthy - a stress reliever for me.

I looked over my left shoulder and saw that Ethan had stopped Hayden with an unreadable facial expression. They looked like they were in deep discussion when I got hit in the head with a very hard object. I looked to the ground where the sound of pencils landing on the floor was coming from.

A pencil case.

"Why did you come back, freakazoid?" a familiar voice spoke to me. The tall, tanned, blonde haired girl walked up to me, with her piers who were just shy her height, but wore the same amount of make up by her side. "There is a distance learning class, you know."

They all had coloured their hair blonde in some way, only Rene, the rude girl who was speaking awfully to me, had natural blonde hair. They all wore far too revealing clothing, and were overall bitchy like they were all permanently on their periods. They even had gotten spray tans trying to match each other, planned days for them all to wear similar clothing, and had all the boys supposedly "drooling" over them because they were hot volleyball players. I just hope they didn't stand too close to the heaters - I hated the smell of melted plastic.

"Who are you?" Hayden came up with Ethan. "I didn't see you in the gymnasium or in first period."

As the girls were distracted, I took my leave and got down to the girls' change room downstairs on the opposite side of the school. It was easy to slip passed everyone who hated me.

When I got downstairs, I changed into my light blue short shorts, and my long sleeve breathable black shirt. They were good for athletics, and my sports bra fit just right. Perfect to wear, so I didn't have to get the school outfit from the local athletic store.

When I walked out into the gym, just before class, the handful of football players in my grade were playing catch with a small junior football.  Hayden and Ethan were two of them.

Hayden was currently catching the ball, and as he jumped with his arms ready for the catch, his athletic body was model worthy. His back was flexed, and his six pack showed through his shirt, along with the incredibly large arms of his.  He laughed at whatever comment one of the guys made, and his Adam's apple moved in an alluring way, along with his white smile gleaming brilliantly in the poor lighting of the gym.

Ethan had curly blonde hair, and he was as tall as Hayden, which I was guessing was about six foot two.  He had brown eyes, and dimples in the cheeks, a deep voice, which was like a singer's voice in a song that had a melody that was perfectly suited for his voice.

That is when I realized they were drop dead gorgeous, and that they looked angelic, if you will.

Ryder, his unforgettable raven black hair and pale skin, gray eyes, and tall, slim figure walked out of the boys' change room located on the opposite side of the gym. He reminded me of the description of Snow White. Ethan threw the ball hard at him, fast, and Ryder caught it with one hand. I was standing just outside the girls' room when Tari came and said "They're cute!"

"Ha, yeah I guess." I spoke quietly back. "They're probably not that nice, though. Ryder always bullies me."

"Not many girls like him anyways." Tari reassured me. "By the way, the brunette is looking over here with Ethan." Tari left after I saw they were headed over here.

Oh my lord.

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