Freckles heckin concern

Start from the beginning

Ace made a turn and through a door most likely leading to the cafeteria.There was most of the crew speaking amongst each other and indulging in some food. I saw some of the crew members greet Ace happily and Ace gets a huge grin on his face, greeting his family back. I nearly get a smile on my face until I'm suddenly in the middle of most of the crews attention. My gut tells me to stand tall but it's been a while since I've been around so many people and the way I've acted came upon me as I felt my cheeks burn for a moment in embarrassment. Ace seems to notice my distress and throws an arm over my shoulders guiding me where the food is taken. I mentally tell myself that I owe Ace a favor. Ace begins to tell me all about the head chef which is Thatch, claiming that he has the most amazing food in the entire sea.

Most crew members of any pirate ship would compliment each other. We grab our trays and stand next to many others that were grabbing their food. In front of us was a buffet style of trays lined some have small name tags describing what it was, others were obviously not needed to be described. I glanced at all the food, eyeing the meats and pasta. I craved pasta and some veggies, so to that area I went sliding my trays. Grabbing the spoon to scoop what looked to be pasta Alfredo with shrimp as topping onto one side of my plate, then went on to the veggies. They were all mixed so it didn't matter what I got as long as I just got some greens in me. I turned my head to glance at Ace to see him piling different meats into one another which caused me to look flabbergast.

Ace glances at me and snorted, I gave him a look. He gave a confused one back, I glanced at the veggies and twitched my head. He seemed to have taken the message as he groaned, his groan caught some attention as Thatch came up.

"What's wrong, Ace?"

Without saying anything Ace mutters as he grabs a spoonful of veggies and piled it on another plate. I snorted causing Thatch to glance at me. He then kept glancing at Ace and I, Ace then mutters,

"Stupid Tenshi....stupid veggies"

Thatch looked a bit surprised, I took my plate and walked towards an empty table as Ace followed. Soon I heard laughter from Thatch as Ace sat down and began to stuff his face with meat occasionally stuffing veggies as well. I sat next to him and began to eat my food slowly. It was quite the look, Ace gobbling everything up, sometimes choking, while I calmly ate my portions. The talking continues around us, some I can hear. Plans of shipment, pick ups, checking up on some islands and much more. Sounded like boring shit.

I felt someone sit and look up seeing a pretty... woman?- ah whoops male, forgot for a moment. I continue eating, thinking that Izo would just talk to Ace. I was wrong very quick,

"You have very beautiful eyes and quite a wonderful complexion" Izo compliments smiling towards me. This causes me to choke for a moment, face going red as I quickly take a sip of water. Ace glances at me. My face continues to burn as I rubbed my neck saying,

"Ah, um... thank you for the compliment" I said a bit shyly. Ace looked shocked at the sudden changed of attitude. I was easily shy when someone complimented my looks. Back home, I wasn't really an attention grabber, I just blended with the crowd. Izo looked a bit shocked, but gave a cheesy grin seeing how flustered I had gotten. I guess he hadn't  expected me, the one who invaded their ship to yell and demand someone, to suddenly becoming shy and embarrassed. I awkwardly tried to continue eating, but stop every second to take a drink of water to cool down. Ace snickered and I immediately pout, shoving him a bit as I whined,

"Don't laugh!"

I didn't mean to whine but I was already too embarrassed. That seemed to have done it as Ace now began to laugh, my face, if possible, going redder as I then grabbed his arm and pushed my face into it. Ace didn't react much but laughed harder. I bet you could have seen the redness all over my neck and ears. I remember reacting this way whenever Jin complimented my looks, especially whenever we were going out to eat. I heard Izo chuckling as he probably guessed I'm no longer a threat to anyone unless provoked.

I let go of Ace as he finally stops laughing but occasionally snickers and I would huff. Izo stopped chuckling as he closed his eyes with a smile on his lips. He then asks,

"So how did you two become brothers?"

Ace and I composed, well Ace gave a goofy grin, while I smiled recalling the last years. Before we both could answer, someone ran in yelling,

"Pops! We spotted Marines!!"

'Well shit' I thought as I saw the crew yell and fight. Marines landed onto the ship, there was more coming in. Ace seemed pretty ok, fighting like he was born for it. I merely stood at the back next to Whitebeard who glances down at me and asks,

"Not going to fight?"

"It's not my fight, besides if I did I'd be the weakest one there, since I'm injured." I responded gruffly, the Marines hadn't realized I was even here. They were too focused on being victorious when really, they were getting their asses kicked. Whitebeard hums at my response and glances back to the fight, sometimes smiling when his sons would win in some battles. I kept my guard up not trusting any of these Marines.

In the end the Whitebeard Pirates were victorious as they cheered seeing the Marines fall back. Ace was grinning as he noticed me, he runs up and throws himself onto my left side. He grabs my arm looking happy at the fact that I watched,

"Did ya see that, Tenshi!? We beat em!?" His ecstatic causes his words to slur. I smiled and pat his head saying,

"Yeah, you've gotten stronger Ace!"

Ace practically sparkled as I complimented him, he looked like a giant happy puppy as he grins widely and let's go of me, placing his hand on his bicep saying,

"I sure did!! I trained a lot with Lu!!" He says happily, I closed my eyes and hummed as I then said,

"Maybe we should have a little brawl when I heal up"

Ace glowed with excitement at my suggestion as he then smirks and says,

"Oh your definitely going down!!"

I snort and said "you sure about that big boy, I didn't even had to throw any punches last time, I merely dodged and hugged you in place"

Ace blushes as he remembers and says stuttering, "w-well it's not g-gonna be like that!! I-I'll make sure to land some good hits on you!!"

I chuckled and pat him on the shoulder saying "and I'll make sure to squeeze you tighter next time"

I left Ace standing there blushing and stuttering, hearing Whitebeard's laughter.

A/N- :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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