Chapter 31 - Advantage

Start from the beginning

Yukio's grip on her tightened, making (Y/N) wince. Out of nowhere, one of his hands grabbed her chin, forcing her to look back up at him. Much like when he pinned her on his bed, the teen had a crazed look in his eyes. 

"You know what I find so funny?" The girl said nothing in response. "Is that you seem so hell-bent on ignoring us and playing the silent game, when you don't seem to realize that this is your reality, doll. We're never letting you go, and none of us have any intention of ever doing so."

(Y/N) shuddered, still looking into Yukio's teal eyes. A grin spread across his face, looking quite happy with her reaction. 

"Did I scare you, doll? That's good. Maybe now you'll be a little nicer."

The girl pulled her face away from her captor, looking at him in disgust.

"You're crazy." Venom dripped from (Y/N)'s words as she finally broke her silence. 

Yukio let out a small chuckle, "So you can talk. Oh, how I've missed that voice."

(Y/N) decided she had finally had enough of the silver-haired boy, pushing him away from her, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

Yukio maintained his firm hold on her, and she was surprised of the strength of his relatively slender frame. He let out another laugh, clearly amused by his captive's attempts to rid herself of him. 

"While I don't mind you moving around in my arms like this, I do wish you'd be a little kinder to me, doll."

Just as those words left his lips, (Y/N) brought her knee to his crotch with as much force as she could muster. A stunned look immediately fell over Yukio's face, along with a loud groan as he tried to process the pain. The girl took this opportunity to squeeze her way out of her arms and off the bed, opting to run for the bathroom. As she turned to close the door, she was relieved to see that Yukio had still not recovered.

(Y/N) quickly shut the door but stopped in her tracks after doing so. The door had no lock. Of course. Why would they have given her the decency?

The teen scanned the bathroom, looking for everything and anything that she might be able to use to block the door. Unfortunately, it appeared as though every appliance in there was built into the walls and flooring.  She was tempted to try and rip the sink faucet to possibly use as a weapon, but before she could even think of doing that, the door was thrust open, nearly hitting her.

There Yukio stood, though he still appeared slightly crippled in pain. The male darted his hand and grasped tightly onto the girl's arm, (Y/N) hadn't even had time to move. He pulled her harshly towards her. She attempted to claw at the door frame in a sad attempt to stay away from the boy but to no avail.

"Yukio, let me go!" (Y/N) cried out, her words falling on deaf ears.

The boy threw her onto the bed. The sheer amount of force he was using scared the girl, and though she tried to keep her composure, she could feel herself begin to shake.

"Doll, I don't much appreciate being treated like that." Yukio suddenly regained his typical persona, but the look in his eyes was eerie, to say the least, "I was going to give you time to settle in, but with how you're acting, I don't think I have the patience to wait for you to come around."

He began to creep onto the bed, and that point (Y/N) was seriously getting freaked out.

"Yukio, I just want to go home! You can't keep me here like your little pet; I'm not going to sit back and let you take advantage of me!" 

She attempted to get off of the bed, but her captor grabbed her ankle, holding her firmly in place as he climbed on top of her. All the while (Y/N) was begging and whimpering for him to let her go. His free hand moved to hold her wrists above her head while his other went for her mouth. 

Before he was able to quell her yelling, the door to her room opened. A furious Ryu and Takeo stood there, looking as if they were about ready to rip Yukio's head off.

"Yukio!" Ryu shouted fiercely, "What the hell do you think you are doing?!"

Takeo quickly moved to get the boy off of (Y/N), throwing him harshly off of the bed and onto the floor. He was able to easily overpower the comparably scrawnier boy and keep him pinned, his face pressed into the carpet. He looked over at the girl, who still sat in shock, with extreme concern in his eyes.

Ryu rushed over to the girl, cupping her cheek, caressing it caringly with his thumb. She stared off into space, not fully processing what had just happened.

"(Y/N)... I'm so sorry."

Her face began to contort into one of anger. Turning over to glare down at Yukio's form, still being held down by Takeo's overwhelming strength.

"What the hell is wrong with you people!?" Ryu let go of the girl, stunned by her reaction, "Can I not have one moment of peace!? Did you really have to take me from my home, keep me trapped in this room, and then, in at the same time, claim to do this out of love!?"

At this point, Reiji, Shiro, and Haruki were standing outside the door, no doubt hearing the commotion going on.

"Just let me go!"

(Y/N) stopped her yelling, tears welling up at her eyes. Surely after seeing what Yukio did they would let her go. 

Ryu got off the bed. She looked around the room, each one of them with a guilty look in their eyes. Well, except Reiji, who appeared to be almost amused by the situation.

"We... won't... I mean, we can't let you go (Y/N)." Haruki avoided eye contact with the girl, twiddling his thumbs. "We promise this won't happen again.

No one said anything else. The girl sat there, shocked that they didn't see the destruction they were causing to her. 

"Alright, that's enough. We'll give you some space, (Y/N). For tonight." Reiji stated calmly, ushering everyone else to exit the room. 

Before she could even process, (Y/N) was alone. She felt tears fall down her face, clenching her teeth. She refused to be at these boys' mercy, even more determined than before to leave this place.

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