↯PROLOGUE: an end and a beginning↯

Start from the beginning

"I hope nobody makes a big fuss." Ginny snorted.

"You've met my family right? They're all going to have something to say about this." Harry sighed again.

"Yeah, I know." Ginny laughed and took his hand, squeezing it lightly. 

"Well, let's go see shall we?" Harry nodded and Ginny leaned in to kiss his cheek one last time before the two of them slowly exited her room and headed downstairs. 

Harry and Ginny hadn't exactly discussed when they were going to announce their breakup to the family. Harry had half suspected that it would be at the end of the dinner, not when Ginny was passing him a bowl of white rice. "Harry and I have something to say." Ginny said, startling Harry so badly he nearly dropped the entire bowl of rice on his lap. The dinner table immediately became deathly silent. 

"Oh my god you're pregnant." Mrs. Weasley said with a small gasp. 

"Called it." George said with an evil grin.

"Harry how could you!" Ron exclaimed while Harry turned bright red with embarrassment.

"Oh stop it. That's not what Harry and I wanted to say." Ginny interrupted before the conversation could escalate further. She took a deep breath and shook her head. "It's quite the opposite actually... Harry and I are breaking up and we wanted to tell you all at once." Ginny looked to Harry, telling him it was his cue to say something.

"We thought this might be better than telling everyone individually or only telling... Some of you and having you pass it around." More silence. "Any questions." 

'"Is this a bloody Q and A?" Percy asked. Harry shrugged but even Ginny was giving him a look

"Why? Gin's been in love with you since she was like... Ten." Charlie asked. 

"He's not all he's cracked up to be." George, Ron, and Hermione snickered as Mrs. Weasley told them all to hush up and eat their food. 

"Well... What brought this on all of a sudden?" Mrs. Weasley asked, nervously passing around some dinner rolls. "I mean... You two seemed fine over the summer." Harry looked to Ginny.

"We... I mean we were fine. We were good, but I guess neither of us felt that our relationship was going to be what it was."

"And what did you expect it to be?" Mr. Weasley asked as he began to slowly eat his fish. Ginny looked to Harry. It was his turn.

"Something more magical than it really was. I guess I've been hyped up too much by Rita Skeeter." Ginny snickered and Harry smiled at her lightly. 

"Well shit." Ron said. Mrs. Weasley glared at him. "Mum was really hopping you would join the family."

"Harry is part of the family." Mrs. Weasley insisted. 

"I know mum but you're the one who was always gushing about how you couldn't wait until Harry was your son-in-law and look what happened." Ron said, gesturing to his best friend and his sister.

"Don't make me hex you boy. Eat your food and say nothing." Hermione nudged her boyfriend as everyone laughed and slowly began to shift the conversation. Ginny poked Harry's arm lightly. He glanced over at her.

"That wasn't so bad." Harry nodded.

"No, it wasn't." 

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"So, be honest, my sister dumped you didn't she."

"Ron." Hermione said, glaring at him. Ron threw his hands up in the air.

"What? I'm just saying. She's the one who spoke the most. She brought it up. It just felt like Ginny was more keen on breaking up than Harry was." Ron said. Harry shook his head at him. "It's nothing to be ashamed of mate, honestly." 

"Ginny and I decided together that we should break up. She's the one that spoke the most because... Honestly I was worried about upsetting your mum or something." Harry said, rolling onto his side on his makeshift bed on the floor. 

"So you two really don't think that..." Hermione paused. "I mean you'd only been together a couple months before we left and..." She stopped.

"She was pissed at me for running off with you two. But she understood why I had to do it." Harry paused. "When we came back, when everything was said and done... I thought we could just go back to normal again but... We can't. Everything just feels so much different now." Harry said softly. 

"Well that feeling won't last long." Hermione said. "Maybe you two didn't..."

"We've been talking about it for a week or two now." Harry interrupted. "Ginny and I both agreed that if we started to feel something more for one another, then we would try again but... I just don't think I see that happening for us. I think our time came and went." Ron and Hermione were quiet. 

"Well good, now we can set you up with someone that isn't my sister." Hermione threw a pillow at Ron.

"What! I can't talk to Harry about girls if he's dating my sister. That's gross."

"You better not be talking about girls at all unless you're discussing me." Hermione said with a frown. Ron sighed.

"I can't even do that. It's too awkward for Harry." Harry started to laugh and Ron joined him. Hermione rolled her eyes at her idiot friends.

"I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts next week. I need to see our other friends, not just you two nimrods." Hermione said. 

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually excited to go back to school too." Ron admitted. "I'm ready for a nice, relaxing eighth year without any complications or problems now that nothing is trying to kill us or attack the school or anything." 

"Well let's hope nothing bad happens." Harry said, because knowing his luck, trouble is always right around the corner. 


Hi ya'll!!! How do you like my first chapter of this story??? Sorry to start with a breakup but it had to happen for Draco and Harry to be together so... Yeah. I hope you're excited for what I have planned!! Can't wait for you all to read it. Once I have all the chapters written, I'll start posting bi-weekly so you all have that to look forward to. See you all next Monday!!!

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