chp. 12

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I hate my family.

Yes, I know that we all say that at some point in our lives, especially when we're teenagers. And we may be overly dramatic most of the time when we DO say those four words, but not this time.

Nope. This time you can be assured that I am not having a teenage fit or something. No teenage angst. Well, not entirely. They're all out to make me as unhappy as possible.

I was cuddled up in a ball on my bed crying and trying my best to make my mother feel as horrible as possible. She hated to see us cry. So I made sure that my eyes were nice and wet 24/7.

"...and you will NOT go anywhere. Come directly home after school young lady-"

"You're not being fair, mom!"

"Not being fair? I'm being more than fair considering how you decided to come home and with whom you decided to come home with after-"

"Lauren would never hurt me!"

"I never said that she did-"

"Yes you did! None of you know her even though you pretend that you do!" I know that I was crossing the line by shouting at her, but I couldn't control myself.

"Watch your tone, Karla..." She warned and I saw her eyes turn to slits.

"Why don't you want us to be together? No one does..." She sighed and rubbed her eyes.

"Camila, you were supposed to be at Dinah's house. You come home with Lauren AND you come home with a black eye. You're lucky I don't lock you up in that room of yours for the rest of the year! Now you're grounded for two weeks and that's the end of it!"

My eyes pour tears as we glare at each other. She steps forward, but I step back and cross my arms over my chest. "I hate you." I said softly and see her look away then nod her head.

"Yes, everyone hates their mom at your age." There she goes again, treating me like a child. I wipe my eyes and stomp off to my room and make sure to slam the door loudly for good measure.

It's been two days now, two afternoons of just coming straight home from school. I have to call my mother as soon as I am through the door and if I'm late in calling her, she raises a fit. Then, I can't sneak back out since dad always "happens" to be at home some afternoons.

He just glares at me whenever he has a chance with his eyebrows hovering heavily over his eyes. "I'm disappointed in you, Camila." Those were the most words he said to me since that night.

I called Dinah and she tried to console me. At least she didn't take my cell phone away too.

"I bet you let her cool off for a bit and you'll be fine with Mrs. Cabello. Your mom's so cool, Mila." I snorted in response. "Come on, Mila, you know she doesn't really think Lauren hurt you..."

"Then why is she making a point to keep us apart now huh?" I pout and throw a pen across the room, satisfied for a moment when it smacks against the wall. "She told me that I couldn't even help Lauren out with her volunteering on the weekends. She didn't have to go that far."

"Give her time, Mila."

"No, Dinah, why doesn't everyone give US time? NO ONE wants us to be together! Whenever we get closer some stupid drama starts up!"

"I know, hon." I cry some more then tell her that I want to go to bed. "Call me whenever okay? I'll see you in school..."

I was staring at the ceiling after I hung up. I wanted to call Lauren but didn't. Something was so off with her but I couldn't place it. I felt it though. It started as soon as I told her about my mom grounding me forever. I picked up the phone and dialed her number, but didn't press the button that would connect us.

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