Soldier! Germany X Captured! Reader- All is Fair In Love and War

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  • Dedicated to Catherine S

Soldier! Germany X Captured! Reader- All is Fair In Love and War

For my adorable sneezing gerita loving friend Catherine. I originally wrote this for her but it turned into a X Reader

You sat miserably in your cell. It was only a matter of time before you starved to death, got killed… or worse. It was so cold…

Your cell door creaked pen, your eyes widened in fear. But something warm was thrown at you.

You felt the rough fabric of a blanket. Looking up, you a blonde German soldier, his back facing you.

“I don’t need it.” He said gruffly.  

“Thanks…” You murmured clutching the blanket like a lifeline. He walked away without another word.


He came back the next morning, just before dawn in the cover of darkness and slid you a slice of bread.

“Eat quickly.”

You gratefully accepted but before you could thank him again he walked away.

You soon realised why when you saw another German soldier making rounds. His word of advice had saved you.


Almost every other day the man would drop by your cell and pass you small ‘gifts’. Sometimes it was amenities but most of the time it was food. You always wondered why. Why was he helping you. He didn’t do it because he knew you nor did he do it because he had to. So why.

He kept you from going insane. He was your light through the darkness in your blackened life.

He became your saviour.


Today you woke up to someone guarding your cell. You let out a soft breath of relief when you realised it was him. Maybe today you could start a conversation.

Shuffling closer to the entrance of your cell you whispered “…What’s your name?”

A heavy silence settled over the both of you and you thought he wouldn’t answer.

“…Ludwig. Ludwig Beilschmidt.” His low rough voice comforted you like a warm blanket on a snowy day.

“I-I’m (Name). Why have are helping me?”

“I owe someone you know. This is me paying them back.”


Ludwig was a soldier. When you live for so long in a place with so much darkness, nothing seems bad anymore. War had long hardened his heart and he used to turn a blind eye to all of the evil in this place but the moment you arrived that had somehow changed.

You were like ray of hope for him. A beautiful flower growing from the cracks of darkness in his hellish war. He couldn’t bear to see you starve like all the others before you or be tortured or killed. At first he helped you because guilt was eating into him, then slowly he began to enjoy your short funny conversations. The way your eyes lit up when you saw him, how you greeted him with a cheeky smile no matter what the circumstances you were in, how you fawned over him telling him he was cute and teasing him. He also loved your adorable sneeze, which he got to hear a lot because of how cold it was. Before he knew it he had fallen for you.

Eventually he found himself giving you more food than he ate himself. He just couldn’t bear with seeing you starve even if that meant he had to starve himself.


Just like every other day, you sat cross-legged facing the cell’s bars waiting for Ludwig.

This time when he handed you some food, your cold fingers brushed his warm ones. Ludwig slid his back down the bars and sat next to you. He slowly closed his fingers over yours and refused to let go. You felt his hand slowly spread warmth to yours and he tightened his grasp on you. That was how the two of you stayed for the rest of the day.

Neither of you had spoken another word but your actions had already said everything.


Ludwig had vowed to help you escape. In the dead of the night he unlocked your cell, pulled you out and told you to hide in an ammunition crate.

“ No.” You replied stubbornly “I’m not leaving unless you come with me.”

“I can’t mein liebe… You know I can’t.” His eyes begged you to go but you only tighted your hild on his uniform.

“Come with me. Hijack the truck. Hide in another crate. Anything, just don’t stay here. We can go to a peaceful country together. Run away with me.” You pleaded. You hoped you could convince Ludwig.

“…We don’t have much time.” Ludwig ignored you but he looked pained. The two of you heard shouts in the distance.

Ludwig hid you away and in the darkness you heard him murmur lowly “Ich liebe dich.”

You heard gunshots as the truck slowly drove off. A single tear rolled down your cheek and you let your bangs cover the your watery eyes.


Ludwig never got to tell you there was never someone he owed.

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