Pen Pal! Hong Kong X Reader- Love Letters

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Wow so long- But this is literally my dream situation. So eh why not. The world needs a little more Leon~

Penpal! Hong Kong X Reader- Love Letters

"Good Morning Class! Today I have special assignment for all of you! We are going to start the penpal project!"

Mixed chatter broke out through the room.

"Whaaaaat. Such a pain...."

"Ooh I hope I get a cute Frau!"

"Hm. This might be interesting."

You on the other hand was incredibly excited. You'd been hoping to get a pen pal for so long. It was boring only having friends from one continent.

"Pick a name from the hat and it will tell you the name, country and short intoduction of your penpal!"

You bounced up and down in your seat hoping you'd get someone cool.

you reached in to pull a name from the hat. As you unfolded the small slip of paper your eyes widened in delight at the words.

"I'm a male from HK who likes fireworks and festivals.

Leon Wang Kirkland from Hong Kong, China- " you grinned, he sounded like a fun guy.

"Looks like you got Leon! I'll be handing out the letters in a moment!"

"Hey Frau who did jou get? Is it a hot guy? I bet he's not as awesome as me!"

"How do you even know its a he, Gil? And who did you get?"

"Kesese~ I can tell by zat smile on jour face. Lucky jou! All I got was this boring guy from Austria who likes playing the piano...." He frowned.

You sighed exasperatedly. Once a Gilbert, always a Gilbert.


"To whoever is reading my letter,

I'm Leon from Hong Kong (but you already know that right) and to be honest I wasn't really looking forward to this especially when my brother Yao told me how he got a horrible scary guy for his called Ivan from Russia... I hope you turn out to be a better penpal and don't ask me to become one with you.... Well anyways enough about me, what's your name? Where are you from? What do you look like? Do you like fireworks?

Hope to hear from you soon


You laughed at the "become one with me" part, he seemed like a cute guy. You clutched the letter gently, already you could tell you would become great friends.

"Dear Leon,

Haha you seem like a really cool guy. I've been really excited for this project though! I'm (Name) (L/N) from (c/n) and I love fireworks too! They're so pretty and loud! Kinda like me... not the pretty part! just the loud haha~ I really like anime and manga and travelling to visit different countries. You know I've been to Hong Kong- it's an awesome place and I wish I'd had a chance to visit the festivals... Well I've attached to this letter a picture of me so you can see what I look like, I hope I can see you soon as well! I mean only if you want to of course!

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