Viking! Norway X Reader- Knight in Viking Armour

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The fresh snow crunched beneath your boots, the cold air bit into your skin. But this is what you were used to, the cold harsh beautiful winters of Norway. As you surveyed the desolate snowfields around you, you noticed a silhouette in the distance.

Was it an animal? A human? Or worse…

As you walked closer, you gasped, eyes met with the sight of a pale but surely handsome man. His blonde hair swept to the side, eyes closed. Was he dead?

You reached to feel for a pulse but before you could, a cool hand reached out to grasp your wrist and his eyes snapped open to reveal emotionless blue. You would’ve jumped back but his hand kept you in your place.

“What are you doing.” He deadpanned, his cheeks pale from the cold.

“…I-I was going to check for a pulse…How are you alive? It’s freezing out here.” You questioned, although he was cold to touch, he seemed fairly well off for lying in the snow for the past hour or more.

“Who knows.” He stared back at you as though determining whether you were friend or foe.

“Do- do you want to come to my cottage? I’m not going to hurt you… it’s not much… but better than the snow right?”

“Hn.” He got up and brushed off his clothes, it was then you noticed, he didn’t have the usual villager attire, in fact it looked rather… viking styled.

It couldn’t be. Was he a stray viking?! Had you just offered your village’s most hated and worst enemy a place in your home?

But as you delayed your actions and your mind kept coming up with excuses, you realized you didn’t quite care anymore. The moment you looked into those clear blue eyes you were a goner. Silently you smiled to yourself, screw your village- you finally found your very own fairytale.

“Why are you smiling like that?” He asked you, and you could’ve sworn you saw small on his face.

“Nothing much, just wondering when my knight in shining armour would come.” Actually you were thinking of him specifically… but he didn’t need to know that.

“Maybe he’s already here.” He smirked and he leaned closer to you, until you were only millimetres apart. Your breath hitched. Was he going to kiss you? You didn’t even know his name! But you found yourself closing your eyes anyways.

…that is until you heard a deep chuckle. Oh god. He was teasing you wasn’t he…

“There was snow on your nose. Stupid. What did you think I was doing?” He was laughing now, as mortified as you should’ve felt but truly the sound was like melody to your ears, like the best thing you’d ever heard. Was it possible to fall so hard so fast?

As you watched him smile at you, you knew it was.

After all it’s hard not to fall in love when a  blued eyed blonde haired snarky knight in Viking armour shows up.


For the next few weeks you both went unnoticed by the other villagers and slowly but surely you two grew closer.

“Lukas it’s your turn to wash the clothes!” You laughed as you piled dirty laundry on him. Lukas stared back, unimpressed by the pair of underwear lying on his head.

“That’s what you said last time (Name), stop lying.”

“I did not. Stop being such a lazy ass, viking. Or are you going to admit defeat to a pile of dirty clothes?”

“I’ll show you defeat” And with that in mind he tackled you.

His knees besides your hips, hands besides your head like he was caging you in and you couldn’t escape (not that you would want to).

“what was that about defeat (Name)?” He smirked, his breath fanned across your face. And you blushed bright red. This was exactly like all those weeks ago.

Except this time Lukas had no intention of stopping.

Suddenly the door flew open “There’s the Viking! Kill him! He’s bewitched my (Name) and forced her to become his slave!” An angry mob had gathered at your door and you glared at your mother in disappointment as Lukas helped you up.

“I’m not yours Mother. Nor am I his slave. He may be a viking but he’s been kinder to me than any of you have ever been! I hate you. And if you want to touch him, you’ll have to go through me first”

“Stupid ungrateful child! I’ve raised you for so long and this is how you repay me? Well then you deserve death and so does your little viking boyfriend” She raised her hand to slap you but before she could Lukas stepped in front of you. Her hand met with his cheek and he didn’t even flinch. Instead he calmly surveyed the mob and spoke in a soft dangerous tone “If you ever dare raise a hand at (Name) again, I will personally make sure I bring all of my viking friends and destroy your village until not a single piece of straw is left standing.” He paused, once emotionless eyes now irate “Am I understood?”


Then he proceeded to pick you up, throw you over his shoulder and leave.

“Lukas. Put me down.”


“Put me down. Do it or I’ll… touch your curl.”

“…Do that and you’ll regret it.”

How were you supposed to resist a threat like that? You didn’t. Reaching up you gently tugged his floating curl. Lukas stiffened and then dropped you onto the snow below.

“Ow! Why’d you drop me so ha-mph!” You were interrupted by  Lukas’s lips on yours in a passionate kiss. You immediately responded and locked your arms around his neck and he pulled you closer. When you finally pulled away you were flushed. Oh how long had you wanted that to happen.

“I told you not to do it” He smirked, his hand on your cheek.

“If that’s what happens, I’m definitely doing it more often.” You grinned cheekily.

“Well then I’ll be sure to punish you accordingly”

~Extended Ending~

“So…where am I going to go now?” Just because he rescued you doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to take you with him….

“You’re coming with me of course-”

“NORGEEEEEEE HAS A GIRLFRIENDDDDDDDD!!!!” A loud unfamiliar voice yelled out.

“And unfortunately that stupid dane over there is coming too.”

“Hey~ Hot stuff, if you’re not Norge’s girlfriend can you be min-“ Lukas sighed and started choking the Dane with his cloak.

You laughed. That’s right you didn’t need to go back ever again because thiswas your happily ever after.

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