"Santi!" She hollers. Rafael runs over and hugs her.

"I missed you so much princess." He says, smothering her in kisses as she giggles.

"I missed you too! Papa said I was in an accident."

"But you're here now and that's all that matters." I added.

"Isa!" She looks past Rafael and screams, holding her arms out to me. I walk over and hug her. "Papa said you brought me here after I got hurt. Thank you." When a little girl thanks you for saving her life, you have no soul if you don't at least tear up a little... borderline cry.

"You're welcome princess." I smile and try to push back the urge to cry.

"Te amo Isa." (I love you Isa) She said with a smile... and here come the water works.

"I love you too Mirella."

"Will you watch cartoons with me?" She asks pointing to the TV.

"Sure sweetie." I climb into bed next to her and she immediately snuggles up to me. Emiliano gets up and turns to Rafael.

"Can I talk to you outside hijo?" (Son) Emiliano gestures to the door. Rafael nods, turns to me and kisses me. Then does the same for Mirella.

"Ill be right back baby." He whispers. I nod.

- Rafael's POV -

"They found Rodrigo. He's hiding in Brazil, in one of his father's safe houses." He sighs.

"And Hector?"

"He's dead. They found his body stashed in the floorboards of his house. They suspect Rodrigo killed him but we don't know for sure or why."

"We need to go get him." I grit my teeth.

"He has all of Hector's men backing him up. Fifty men, maybe more. Jacob has a plan but, you're not gonna like it." He gave me a worried look. I agree.... by the way he said that, I'm not gonna like it.

"What's the plan?" I sigh, irritated.

"We can talk about that later. I want Isadora to hear the plan as well. For now let's enjoy the fact that your little sister is awake and doing better." He said patting me on the arm. I nod and we head back to Mirella's room. I smile when I see my kitten and my princess asleep, snuggled together. "She's definitely a keeper son." Dad said winking. Oh believe me... I know she is. And I plan to do just that. Keep her.... forever. "Your mother is on her way here. I need you back at the house with me when Jacob shows up. The girls will join us later."

"I don't like leaving her alone."

"I dare someone to try to hurt them while your mother is around. They'd be dead from busted ear drums. She'd scream them to death." He chuckles.

"Te gustaría dormir en el sofá mi amor?" (Would you like to sleep on the couch my love?) My mother says, tapping her foot on the floor. My father is a very tough man. Put a gun in his face and he will stare you down, daring you to pull the trigger. Put him in an unfair fight between five guys and he will pistol whip them all in a matter of minutes.... but put my mother in front of him and he turns into a little kid who is scared of the dark.

"Lo siento mi amor." (I'm sorry my love) My dad says, kissing her on the cheek.

"Es lo que pensaba." (That's what I thought)  She turns from my father and faces me. "Dont worry baby... no one will hurt our girls while I'm here. Now go, and take your father with you before I beat him with both of my shoes." She glared at him. I nod and laugh.

- Isadora's POV -

I wake up with Mirella sleeping soundly on my chest. Her little arms, wrapped around my waist. I look over and see Gabriella sitting in a chair watching a horror movie, yelling at the TV.

"You're gonna die if you go in there! Estúpida niña!" (Stupid little girl) I look at the TV and see a blonde woman walk into a dark room and immediately get bashed over the head with a shovel. "Te lo dije! (I told you so!) Always the stupid ones that die first." She yells and slaps her legs in frustration. I giggle and she looks at me. "Oh, I'm sorry darling. Did I wake you?" I shook my head.

"Where's Rafael?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"Him, his brothers and his father are at the house. We will join them later once Mirella is released from here." She says getting up and turning off the TV. I look down at her sweet face and run my fingers through her hair.

"You would be great you know." She smiles at me.

"Great at what?"

"Being a mother. I see how you are with her." She says. Honestly, I never thought about having kids before.

"Im not so sure I would be."

"My child does not lie. She took to you the moment she met you."

"Im sure she just sensed I was a nice person." I shrug.

"I asked her why she wouldn't let you go that night we visited Rafael. Do you know what her answer was?" I shook my head. "She said you smelled like him. That you make her feel safe, just like he does. You remind her a lot of him. My sons, except Rafael, have brought home girls before and she never took to any of them the way she did with you. She knows you love her brother. She knew it the moment she met you. My daughter is a lot smarter than people think she is." I'm speechless. I smile and lean over to kiss Mirella on the head when she stirs awake and flutters her eyes open.

"Isa?" She says sleepily.


"You won't leave me right?" Her little hands grip onto my shirt.

"No sweetie. I won't leave you."

"Will you play with my hair again so ai can go back to sleep please?" She asks. I smile, nod and run my fingers through her hair several time before she falls asleep again.

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