Chapter Sixteen - New Roommate

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about it Jay." She giggled.

"Are you sure?" His eyebrows creased with worry.

"Yes." She smiled.


"And you don't need to get nervous. Everything is okay between us now, right? I mean, it would be a little weird if it wasn't since we're girlfriend and boyfriend." She continued.

"Really?" Jay smiled.

"That's if you want to get back together." Nya shrugged her shoulders.

"Well I would have to ask you that since you were the one who broke up with me..." Jay broke eye contact.

Nya sighed. "It was Skylor. It's a long story but she took my phone. I'm so sorry about that." 

"Skylor?" Jay frowned. "Was she with you when Kai... you know...?"

She shook her head.

 "No. She wasn't..." Nya gasped. "But she was heading there!"

"She's probably there right now." Jay's eyes widened. "We have to save her!"

"NO! I-I can't go back there." Nya stuttered.

"Then I'll go." Jay stated.

"You can't!"

"Why not?"

"Because he's dangerous! I can't lose you!" Nya exclaimed.

Jay placed a hand on her cheek gently and looked her in the eye. "You won't lose me."

Nya smiled slightly.

"JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" A male voice called from downstairs.

Jay rolled his eyes. "Brady."

Nya giggled.


"Brady! No shouting in the house!" Katherine called out.


"The police! Maybe they've arrested Kai." Jay suggested.

"Let's go see." Nya suggested.

The two sprinted down the stairs to see a police officer at the door.

"Hello, officer. How may we help?" Jay asked.

Nya stood beside him, hopeful. 

"I just wanted to let you know that we are about to go and arrest Kai if you wanted to come." He replied.

Nya frowned at Jay. 

"You haven't arrested him yet?!" Jay exclaimed.

"We were carrying out the case at the police station. This is a serious, Jay." He told him.

"Believe me, I know." Jay turned to Nya. "Did you wanna go?"

She thought for a second. The memory of almost being stabbed circled in her head. It pained her to think of it but she would love to see her brother get what he deserves. Nya nodded.

"Great. We'll take the police car." The policeman smiled and wandered down the path.

Nya could feel a pair of eyes on her but they weren't Jay's. She turned her head to see Katherine stood in the doorway of the kitchen glaring at her a little.

"And where do you think you two are going?" She folded her arms.

Jay gave her a smile. "It's to do with the case. It's important."

"Fine." She rolled her eyes.

"We won't be long." Jay told her before leaving the house with Nya.

"What happened exactly?" Skylor wondered. She was sat at the counter of the Blacksmith's Shop, opposite her boyfriend.

"I don't know! It's like something took over me. I really thought that I had changed after what had happened with my parents." Kai explained, his head in his hands. 

When she had arrived, Skylor knew that something was wrong. Kai looked stressed and Nya wasn't even home.

"But you still haven't told me what happened. Are you going to or not?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I-I don't want to hurt you." Kai told her worriedly.

"Why would you hurt me?" Skylor frowned but paused. "Ah right. Because of what you did to your parents..." 

"Don't remind me of it!" Kai shouted angrily.

"Where's Nya?" Skylor asked.

Kai sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

Suddenly, the sound of sirens approaching distracted the two. Kai's eyes widened as he turned to look outside. At the end of the path was a police car with four people inside of it. 

"That little bas--" Kai began, gritting his teeth.

"Why are the police here?!" Skylor exclaimed.

"I can't believe I trusted Nya." Kai glared.

"I'm so confused. Kai, please tell me what's going on! I'm scared!" Skylor cried.

Kai began breathing heavily.

At that moment, two police men wandered through the doors of the shop, Jay and Nya behind them. Nya hid behind Jay, holding onto his arm tightly.

"Officer? What's going on?" Skylor frowned.

One of the police officers grabbed Skylor's hand and ran over to where Nya and Jay were standing. Nya hugged her quickly.

"Skylor! Did he hurt you? Are you okay?!" Nya panicked.

"I'm fine! What happened?!" Skylor asked.

The other police man grabbed the angry Kai and quickly put his hands in handcuffs. 

"Kai Smith, you are underarrest for murder and attempted murder." He began.

"Attempted murder?!" Skylor exclaimed and turned to Nya. "He tried to kill you?!" 

Nya nodded slowly, tears filling her eyes. Jay hugged her tightly to keep her safe.

"Anything you say will--" He continued.

"YOU!" Kai yelled as he spotted Nya. "YOU DID THIS."

Nya shook her head.


She broke eye contact with her brother and hugged Jay back. 

"And you..." Kai glared at Jay. "STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER. That's if I can even call her that now."

"You don't deserve a sister." Jay snarled.

"And for the record, Kai," Skylor began. "We're over."

"YOU CAN'T BREAK UP WITH ME." Kai screamed.

"Man, I've wanted to say that for so long." Skylor smiled.

"I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU ALL. F**K YOU ALL." Kai yelled as he was taken outside and put into the police car.

"You guys will be safe now, okay? And Nya, thank you for telling us. This will definitely impact the safety of you and many others." The police man gave her a smile of reassurance.

Nya nodded, drying her tears.

The three watched the car drive off into the distance.

"He can't hurt you now." Jay told his girlfriend.

She smiled. "Yeah."

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