Chapter One - 18

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Sometimes, life doesn't go smoothly, unless you're a movie star of course.

Movie stars have it all. They have the fame, the money and the fans. Most of them live in mansions so it's pretty obvious to tell where they live. Movie stars could pretty much afford anything. It would be a perfect opportunity to start or have a family too. You could give them what they want and need.

Most people dream of being the child of someone famous. Not only could you literally get whatever you wanted, when you wanted but you'd probably be popular at school too. Every child born into a wealthy family is extremely greatful, obviously. Well, except for Jay Gordon that is.

Jay had short, brown, curly hair and freckles upon his gentle cheeks. His favourite colour was blue, the same as his father's.

His father is none other than Cliff Gordon, the most famous movie star in all of Ninjago. He was best known for his role in Star Farer as the lead character, Fritz Donegan.

Not only was Jay an only child but he only had a father. His mother left just after he was born.

Jay was sat at the dinner table, waiting for his father to get home from the other side of Ninjago. Cliff was working on a new movie and he hadn't seen his son for at least a month. It was Jay's birthday and Cliff had promised to be home in time.

Jay had been waiting for about an hour and he was beginning to get fed up. His brand new iPhone was led on the table in its usual blue cover.

Suddenly an incoming video call startled Jay as he picked up his phone.

Pressing the answer button, Jay put a smile on his face.

"Hey dad!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, Jay. Happy birthday!" Cliff smiled.

"Thanks. If you're stuck in traffic or something, don't worry, I can wait a little longer." Jay told his father.

Cliff broke eye contact with Jay and sighed, "Jay, I won't be able to make it home for your birthday."

"What?" Jay frowned.

"Someone got sick and they want me to stand in for them which would mean that I won't be able to make it home for another week." The movie star explained.

"But you promised!" Jay interrupted.

"I know and I'm sorry but you know how important this movie is. It could make or break me. Especially with the failure of Star Farer 2." Cliff told his son.

Jay sighed.

"I understand."

"I really am sorry, Jay. I miss you so much. I'll see you in a week, okay?" Cliff smiled.

"See you in a week, dad. Good luck." Jay hung up. "And as usual, he can't make it."

This was normal for Cliff. His schedule was pretty full all of the time and he barely got chance to see his son. Jay had school and he hung out with his friends most of the time too.

No one else lived in the house so Jay was pretty lonely most of the time. There was a knock on the door which nearly made Jay jump out of his skin.

Who would knock on this door?! It better not be another fan. I cannot stand anymore of them.

Jay slowly opened the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, Cole, it's just you." Jay smiled.

Cole Bucket was Jay's best friend. They had been best friends ever since the beginning of high school and they never left each other's side since. Cole was always there for Jay, unlike Cliff. Cole was pretty much family.

"Hey, birthday boy." Cole winked.

"Come in." Jay opened the door fully and Cole stepped in, breathing in the smell of lavender.

"Your house always smells so nice. How do you do it?" Cole asked.

"There's a thing called air freshener. You should try it some time." Jay replied sarcastically.

"Mm, yes, I'll keep that in mind." Cole joked.

Jay led his best friend into the living room area and sat down on the sofa.

"Hey, where's your dad? You know, famous movie star guy? The guy that got a massive role in a new movie on the other side of Ninjago?" Cole wondered.

"You don't have to remind me." Jay sighed.

"What's up?" Cole asked.

"He called me a few minutes ago. He can't make it. He's taking over someone else's role so he needs to stay for another week." Jay explained.

"What! That's ridiculous!!" Cole shouted.

"It's fine, Cole, really. He needs this. We need this." He added.

"No, Jay, it isn't fine at all! It's your birthday for goodness sake, he should be here whether he needs to act or not! What kind of father is he if he missed his son's birthday?!" Cole argued.

Jay sighed.

No matter how much I argue and disagree with Cole, I know he's right.

"Why don't we head out into the city? You know, just you and me." Cole suggested.

"I don't know..." Jay shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll buy you an ice cream." Cole smirked.

"I'm in!" Jay smiled.


"So where do you want to go first?" Cole asked the birthday boy.

"I don't know. I usually come into town with my dad and we normally have a schedule so..." Jay began.

"But your dad isn't here. We don't need a schedule. Let's grab something to eat, I bet you're starving." Cole said.

"A little I guess." Jay replied.

"I gotta grab something from the post office for my dad. Why don't you head into the café over there and get a table. And maybe some cake." Cole winked as he wondered down the street.

Jay looked around for the café.

I can't believe that I'm actually in the city with Cole and not my dad. And worse, I don't have a security guard!! Well, I guess Cole is muscular enough...

Jay entered the small café and headed towards the counter. It wasn't exactly busy in there but there was quite a few people.

At the counter was a young girl who looked around Jay's age. She had short black hair and orange tinted eyes.

"Hey, how can I help you?" She said in a kind of fed up tone.

"Can I get two blueberry smoothies and a slice of double chocolate cake please?" Jay asked.

The girl rolled her eyes and looked up at Jay for the first time.

"You don't look like you enjoy your job." Jay pointed out.

"No, I'm just tired of serving customers like you." She handed him the slice of cake on a plate and left to make the smoothies.

"Excuse me?" Jay frowned, raising his voice a little.

"You heard me." She handed him the smoothies, "that would be £5.68."

Jay handed her the money.

"Have a terrific day." She said sarcastically as Jay walked off to a table. He spotted Cole at one of the tables and sat opposite him.

"You looked like you were having some trouble over there." Cole pointed out.

"She was really rude." Jay told Cole.

"Does she need her face punched? I have a free fist and it's desperate for some action." Cole joked.

"I think your fist might have to wait." Jay smiled.

For the rest of the day, the boys wandered around some shops. But Jay however couldn't stop thinking about how his dad has broken his promise and that rude girl back at the café. But overall, Jay had a great birthday all thanks to Cole.

Along Came Nya (Ninjago fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang