Yuru said weakly, "If I'm delayed for several days, I'm afraid I can't catch up." Not to mention delaying for several days, she couldn't catch up even without any delay.

Yuchen did not notice the bitterness in Yuru's words and said, "Don't worry, Eldest Sister. When you are well, we will ask Teacher Song to give you a private lesson."

Hearing this, Yuru coughed violently. She managed to get rid of Teacher Song with difficulty, now they wanted to send her to Teacher Song's door when she got better. She would not going to seek further abuse!

Looking at Yuru's performance, Yuxi became more sure that Yuru deliberately made herself ill. However, she was not prepared to delve deep into the matter either. Whether Yuru wanted to learn or not, it had nothing to do with her. "The most important thing now is to have the disease cured first, and other things have to wait until then." In this way, Yuru would never go to school again even after she got well.

The two left after accompanying Yuru for a short conversation.

Zhuxuan looked at the entangled look on Yuru's face and whispered, "Miss, don't think too much. Maintaining good health is the most important thing."

Yuru whispered, "I won't regret it." Her mouth said she won't regret, but when she saw Yuchen and Yuxi still in healthy good condition, her heart flashed with a bit of unwillingness. Why were they daughters of the first wives? Why were they so loved by God? Everything good was always in their hands.

On the way back, Shishu told Yuchen in a lower voice, "Miss, I just asked about it. Last night, Eldest Miss bedroom window was not being closed, so the wind blew into the room. Eldest Miss caught the chill from the wind." It was easy to get such important news, which showed how loose Yuru's yard management was.

Yuchen frowned. Her Eldest Sister wouldn't have done such a thing!

Shishu thought Yuchen didn't listen to the unspoken implication, so she hastily said, "Miss, It's impossible for a servant girl to be so careless that she couldn't even close the window. The day before, she was doing a good job. Why didn't she do the same yesterday? "

Yuchen's complexion showed she was uneasy. She said, "After telling me this, you should forget about it. Don't tell anyone, not even to my Grandmother." She had not thought about it before, but after hearing Shishu words, she had her doubt. Yuru's body had always being healthy. How could she get ill because of overworking when she only studied for five days? Except that, it wasn't something that would be pleasant to speak out, so she didn't want to pay attention to it any more.

In fact, the Old Madam and Qiu Shi both knew that Yuru deliberately got sick in order to avoid going to school. Yet no one had uncovered it, and they still asked medical treatment for her.

Teacher Song did not slow down her teaching process because of Yuru's illness. It took only one and a half days for her to finish talking about the One Hundred Surnames. In the afternoon she explained the advantages and disadvantages of the three people's homework.

This time she praised Yuxi, "Fourth Miss has made great progress, but she still need to work hard." Yuxi really gave her a big surprise.

Yuxi was embarrassed.

There were those who were praise and critics by Teacher Song. Her target of criticism was Yujing, "Second Miss, you haven't finished your schoolwork these days. If you do this again, you don't need to come anymore." Yujing believed that if she didn't finished her homework, her palm won't be hit. Unlike reciting the text, which she was currently focusing on. Consequently, her homework had never been completed even once.

Hearing what Teacher Song had said, Yujing's face turned pale. She had worked so hard for so long that she didn't want to be driven out of class again. "Ma'am, I will work harder."

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