Swinging the duffel bag onto his shoulder he meets his father with two duffel bags in his hands. Marvel knew what was inside the second one, a small portion of his gun stash. Even though he quit being Red Hood he still had a habit of carrying a gun in case of emergencies.  Marvel always thought it was a little weird but some habits are hard to break, he should know that better than anyone. 

The two head down to their car and pile everything into the trunk, then climb into the car itself, Marvel sat in the front seat this time. He hugged his arms around his injuries protectively, the whole ride there was silent. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was warm and comforting. He couldn't help but feel attached to it, especially when they arrived at the manor and it was broken by his father saying, "Hey it's okay, it's just for a few days." 

Marvel had a guess what that meant. Usually when they'd stay at grandpa's they'd stay a whole week and Jason would call that a few days. So Marvel ended up packing for a week when he said they were going to Bruce's. It wasn't that he didn't like staying with his grandpa, it just made being a vigilante harder. 

The two boys followed Alfred into the manor and then made their way upstairs to their rooms. Walking into his room he notices it was the same. It had the same blue comforters and blue everything. A small smile plays on his lips, it reminded him of his room back home.  Then he realized that's what Bruce had intended to do. 

He sets his stuff down and then heads into his bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He didn't want anyone to see the bandages on his sides. Lifting up his shirt, he starts to pull the bandages and finds smaller cuts than before. They were healing faster than he thought. He throws the bandages into the trash and puts his shirt back down before exiting the bathroom. 

Marvel slips on a pair of basketball shorts and then heads down to the gym to use the punching bag. When he walks over to the punching bag he gives it a few light punches, not wanting to use his full strength, afraid of breaking it. "I know you can punch harder than that."

Damian's voice causes him to jump and quickly turn around. He relaxes when he sees Damian and replies, "I know I can, I don't want to break it."

Walking closer to him, Damian stands on the other side of the punching bag and leans up against it, "Come on hit it."

Marvel hits it a little harder but it doesn't compare to his full strength. "Harder." The blue-haired boy hits a little bit harder and Damian repeats the same word. "Come on, you call that a hit?"

Getting fed up with Damian's annoying words he lands two punches to the bag, hitting it so hard it gets pulled out of the ceiling and moves Damian a couple of feet. "There are you happy now?" Marvel asks before leaving the room, grabbing his towel and water bottle. 

Marvel heads down to the bat cave and finds Tim on the computer. He seemed to be working through a case but when he sees Marvel he puts away the images and the digital files. "Hey, Marvel."

"Hey, Tim." Marvel replies, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, what's on your mind?" Tim's voice was soft and made him feel important, unlike his fathers' gruffer voice. 

Marvel lets out a small sigh before he asks, "Have you ever heard of an organization called M.E.C.?"

Tim's eyes furrow. He had briefly heard of it but he was more curious as to why Marvel was asking about it. "It stands for Meta-human Enhancement Corporation, it was shut down in 2005. That was the last mission your dad went on. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason. I just saw it somewhere and it sparked my interest." Marvel replies, "Well I'll let you get back to your case."

Marvel leaves Tim a little dumbfounded. His actions were a little questioning but he soon dismissed it and went back his case. But little did either of them know they were working on the same case. The blue-haired boy goes up to his room and when he shuts his door his phone begins to ring. He doesn't even think about checking the collar ID, thinking it was Nova or Charlie checking up on him. "Hey-."

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